Search results

  1. DankNuggitz420

    THC Production caused by Pruning/Topping/Pro-Vegging?

    The tops of plants sometimes mature faster then the lower branches, that might be the case.
  2. DankNuggitz420

    If you cant afford to tip don't go out to eat !!!!

    I'm sorry, but why would you tip someone who walks 50 feet with your order more than one who drives a few miles and wastes their gas and puts wear and tear on their vehicle? You can't assume they make minimum wage just so you feel better about being cheap. If you don't want to tip, then get it...
  3. DankNuggitz420

    please help -pictures

    I cut my connections off and fixed an old cell phone charger to it, don't remember the voltage, took maybe 2 or 3 to find one that worked.
  4. DankNuggitz420

    Plant is not branching 10 inches tall.

    Could be lighting. Try LSTing it to get more light to the stalk.
  5. DankNuggitz420

    purple at a week old

    Could be cold weather, could be nutrient lockout, could be strain. Post some pics, maybe one of the experts can help you more.
  6. DankNuggitz420

    swollen calyxes

    You would be correct.
  7. DankNuggitz420


    Then at his age he'd still be black.
  8. DankNuggitz420

    3rd Week Of Flowering~Call 911

    They look good, wouldn't worry.
  9. DankNuggitz420

    3rd Week Of Flowering~Call 911

    They're either happy. or performing "Y.M.C.A."
  10. DankNuggitz420

    Help! Need some opinions on these leaves!

    It's in the sub forum: Bugs
  11. DankNuggitz420

    Help! Need some opinions on these leaves!

    Go to the Marijuana Plant Problems sections and click on the sticky, Grizzly's guide to pulverizing pests, first thread. He has pics and what you see above.
  12. DankNuggitz420

    Help! Need some opinions on these leaves!

    Looks like it could be these Leaf Miner Maggots Prevent: Environmental control indoors and in greenhouses will prevent the leaf miner fly from laying its eggs in your plant. Identify: Leaf miners are maggots usually 1/8th inch thick when hatching. It is very rare that a grower will notice...
  13. DankNuggitz420

    What would you do???? Found the mutha load on walk

    ,,,,,,,,,,...........................................?????????????????????????????????............................................................................................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Here's some extra punctuation, looks like...
  14. DankNuggitz420

    Too Many Lights?

    you should be o.k., if you have room and no temp. problems you can even add more.
  15. DankNuggitz420

    Stealth Grow Questions

    Growing is great, but being able to harvest your work it what makes it worth it.
  16. DankNuggitz420

    Stealth Grow Questions

    I think computer cases have been the smallest yet workable spaces I've seen. You have to know that a foot tall plant will yield very little, and you have to weigh if it's worth the time and effort.
  17. DankNuggitz420

    Please tell me this is normal

    Like I said, paper bag'em and check every few hours and see if it spreads. Nothing's worse than losing a crop to mold. Next time hang'em for a few more days to be sure they are dry before jarring.
  18. DankNuggitz420

    hermie situation? pics!

    check your camera settings, those pics are too blurry to tell.
  19. DankNuggitz420

    Please tell me this is normal

    Check them over, maybe put them in paper bags for a day or two and see how they are.
  20. DankNuggitz420

    Please tell me this is normal

    Looks good to me. I've dealt with mold my first time and it looked almost like strands of cotton or spiderwebs.