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  1. yodalbc562

    KUSH... PURE KUSH! Frist grow...

    idk whats happen... i let my plant go outside.. and i come back a few hours and it has yellow leaves.. and its dying... but i think its dehydration... but i watered it agian... poke sum holes in the soil.. for the air... any other suggestions? here are sum pics...
  2. yodalbc562

    KUSH... PURE KUSH! Frist grow...

    recently lost the Pure kush plant... due to nute lock... sorry.. but tried my best to revive it... transplant and everything.. root help... etc... but the kush plant is doin fine... almost scared me... but got it back up...recent change my soil to the foxfarm organic soil.. to test it out... for...
  3. yodalbc562

    soil help....

    yah true...thanks for the luck!
  4. yodalbc562

    soil help....

    i feel ya... i like....
  5. yodalbc562

    soil help....

    so i see... so most of the plants source of nutes... is gonna be in the soil... and i should have a well mixed fert soil... i get it... thanks guys... love the advice... much love....bongsmilie
  6. yodalbc562

    Will a plant grow from 4/20/09 and through out May and June?

    there is new difference.. its gonna grow no matter wat... it just how you take care of it..the soil... the grow spot.. the climate... and sorts of stuff... do what you want to do... sum of my friends... planted on 420.. on 4:20am... its just the cycle you put them in... lol...
  7. yodalbc562

    soil help....

    the basics... perlite...premix,worm casting... mostly all local home depot materials... whats your con consist of? im new to this.. so im goin by the book...
  8. yodalbc562

    soil help....

    okay ill do that... true... about the outdoor... just keeping an eye on it is cool.. thanks...
  9. yodalbc562

    soil help....

    where can i get this foxfarm soil? i heard alot about it... im just wondering... if its okay to leave the plants up there...
  10. yodalbc562

    nutrients? need help...

    hahaha... okay... thanks for the help... do you know anything about growing in the moutians... everything is explained here.....
  11. yodalbc562

    nutrients? need help...

    oo i see... but how do i use them...?
  12. yodalbc562

    nutrients? need help...

    ooo i see...
  13. yodalbc562

    soil help....

    i have two plants already.. wit regular soil... but i want to know the best soil for organics.. i know the basics... i just want to know the recipe for it... like how much should i put... 2nd... my friend has a cabin in the mountains... and we are gonna plant there.. and i was wondering... wat...
  14. yodalbc562

    nutrients? need help...

    nutrients? i need to know how to do use them... and which one imma use... im goin organic... this is my frist grow... i need advice... i have pics of them... in my album... so thank you for the support... and great luck wit all of your crops...
  15. yodalbc562

    Retro Sub Box Growroom

    thats pretty killer... yah imma install one more light... and replace the bulbs... to a 200 watts... maybe more... thanks for the props... i would like to see your box.. and how its set up... keep growing... and KEEP :eyesmoke: smoking....
  16. yodalbc562

    Subcool's 2008 Outdoor adventure Part 1

    omg i love it... ORGANIC IS THE WAY TO GO!
  17. yodalbc562

    KUSH... PURE KUSH! Frist grow...

    iight... so this journal works... just show pics of your plants as they grow... i see i see.. thanks... ill keep yall updated!bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie:eyesmoke:session!
  18. yodalbc562

    KUSH... PURE KUSH! Frist grow...

    hey guys.. this is my frist grow... its about 3weeks old kush... and about week for the pure kush... hope you guys enjoy... bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie:eyesmoke:session!
  19. yodalbc562

    i need some help... ORGANIC INDOOR/OUTDOOR

    i love organic weed.. its just a more natural and more... i need help.... about the: -soil -light -nutrition like i know the basics... this is my first grow... so i wanted to go ORGANIC... and i am loving it... i just need sum help... but mostly some GREAT ADVICE...bongsmilie... yah.. like...
  20. yodalbc562

    Retro Sub Box Growroom

    yah i open it... a regular fan when im in the room.. then i move the plants outside everyday around afternoon time when i wake up... i seee... how does your hydro work... i would love to see sum of your guys work.. so i can see whats good... im a beginner at this so im tryin to accept all your...