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  1. Bushido Boy

    lights went out

    go on with the lights...its ok if you miss a couple or a few hours.... There is only a problem if you are 18on/6off as an example, you dont want to have the lights on past the normal time for lights off
  2. Bushido Boy

    12 ft x 14 ft Room Layout - Need Advice

    Hi(gh) everyone! I have been musing over my next "upgraded" grow room. I currently have a smaller grow (about 5x7) and ready to step up to a 12x14 room I have available. I have the electricty, water, drainage, exhaust, Co2, odor etc etc figured out but need some specific advice on lamp...
  3. Bushido Boy

    Set up and design questions

    Hi everyone. The quickest way to fix the mold problem is with ozone. You can buy an "Ecoquest Fresh Air" air purifier with ozone generator on ebay used for about 300.00 I own one of these Ecoquest for about 4 years and they work great. I have used it on a home which got flooded after a pipe...
  4. Bushido Boy

    Bud Taste of hydro vs soil

    Molasses???....Geez, who woulda thought...but sweeet!! (he he pun intended) But then again...Look at PH up and PH down or any ph adjuster.... Most of them are Lye and Suphuric Acid (Pool Acid)