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  1. Eisenberg

    miracle gro 4 nutes

    Miracle grow is only okay for cannabis plants but be sure to flush the plants at least 7-10 days before harvest to clean them as I have heard some horror stories about people getting sick after smoking plants that have been poisoned with miracle grow. There is a reason you never see miracle...
  2. Eisenberg

    Transplant problem

    It's hard to know as it's a bit early to tell but I hope all will be okay with them and good luck.
  3. Eisenberg

    Will this stunt growth?

    As long as it's not too tight and the stem has plenty of room to grow you should be fine. I use a big match stick with very fine sowing thread lightly tied to it to fully support it but not counteract her growth.
  4. Eisenberg

    ak-49 auto,nl auto, supersonic auto

    Looks very nice, how much did you get off the NL dry?
  5. Eisenberg

    Plants dug up

    This happened to me on a grow in the middle of nowhere, 15 purple power plants around 4-5 cm tall each all dug up by something or someone. Very devastating.