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  1. muybiensur

    last few days of flowering, first time grower with AK48

    I would say the best time to LST depends on your plant's size and your space. I think once the plant can be bent over at a 90-near 90 degree angle you can do it. Also, because it's Low Stress you can't really mess up your plant, unless you snap the main branch in half (which some people do on...
  2. muybiensur

    last few days of flowering, first time grower with AK48

    yeah, the picture above was taken a good 5 days or so before i posted. nearly all of my pistils were red, more than 90-95% on the top nodes, and the day I cut I saw crystal like shining. It might have been okay to leave it on for a bit longer, but I think I'll be fine :D Also, there were were...
  3. muybiensur

    last few days of flowering, first time grower with AK48

    i saw the glistening today and decided to cut-- hoping to get somewhere between head and couch. I left the smaller flowers on the lower branches on the plant- it's already past the 12light-12night in South America so I should only let them stay outside for another week or two (not much past...
  4. muybiensur

    last few days of flowering, first time grower with AK48

    yeah, i've heard of that for the head high harvest early and the couch lock leave it a bit later-- I cut two medium sized branches off and am thinking I'll leave the rest for another week or so (not so into couch, but some is good). so far so good, since this is my first plant. Hopefully next...
  5. muybiensur

    last few days of flowering, first time grower with AK48

    yeah, i have to be creative for seeing the trichomes (not in the USA...) i thought that the macro would help. i guess i have to start shopping around. thanks for the props! i took the best care of her i could after assassinating her poor 9 brothers and sisters after the first week of having the...
  6. muybiensur

    last few days of flowering, first time grower with AK48

    hey all, i took these pictures a few days ago and am thinking that the plant should be finished within days (before-on Sept 21st) this is AK48, vegged indoors (24-0) and flowered outdoors with LST started during the veg phase Should I wait longer? They seem to look like the pictures...
  7. muybiensur

    AK 48, 1+ week of flowering after 5 weeks of veg

    thnx guys, yeah i think the white hair means i should be okay good luck with your grows!
  8. muybiensur

    AK 48, 1+ week of flowering after 5 weeks of veg

    I heard McCain called his wife a Cunt. is this plant female?
  9. muybiensur

    AK 48, 1+ week of flowering after 5 weeks of veg

    So here's the best picture I could get today of my plant- I've been trying to use the macro option to see things that are nearly impossible by just looking. From what I've seen this looks like it's going female- thoughts?
  10. muybiensur

    How Do I pass A hair folicul test?????

    Only Americans think that. Ask the Canadians, Japanese, Europeans, Argentines, and other like minded people to tell you how many middle class and working class families have gone bankrupt in their countries due to heath care costs: 0 I know friends who have Ivy league degrees and rotting teeth...
  11. muybiensur

    How Do I pass A hair folicul test?????

    yeah, but that would change with obama. not with McCain. He would allow for states to decide, get rid of Govt waste in fighting legal users- just like Abortion used to be before Roe v Wade. Also, lets talk about federal tax windfall... free healthcare, anyone?
  12. muybiensur

    How Do I pass A hair folicul test?????

    Go ahead and vote McCain, but when they throw your ass in jail for a few years for smoking a joint in your own home... let's chat. You'll have committed a federal crime and won't be able to vote any more afterward, so I guess it won't matter then.
  13. muybiensur

    AK 48, LST at 5 weeks of vegging. Should I start flowering?

    thnx ship- for that reason and to find out finally if it is a guy or girl, i think i'll start 12-12 today (i had been doing 24-0).
  14. muybiensur

    AK 48, LST at 5 weeks of vegging. Should I start flowering?

    Hey guys & girls, I've been LSTing my AK 48 for a little more than two weeks or so now with about 140w in CFL. How does it look? I'm thinking about starting to flower, and placing a SOG 'net' above the plant. I have about a foot/foot and half of clearance above the plant for flowering growth...
  15. muybiensur

    Is it male?

    true, there are just so many random problems that can happen i'd think of it like a 5 buck insurace pol. gluck with your grow!
  16. muybiensur

    Is it male?

    soil is cheap, spring 5 bucks on what might be a thousand dollar plant
  17. muybiensur

    Whats the soonest possible forced flowering?

    try some auto flowering strains next time, they'll flower as soon as possible even under 24-0 light. They flower in alaska during the summers.
  18. muybiensur

    THC content in stems?

    I think things like THC content in stems, leaves, and even males varies so widely between plants it really just depends. I've read that in comparing a weak strain to a powerful one the powerful males can get you more stoned than the weak girls (think Hemp. No one wants to smoke a female hemp...
  19. muybiensur

    AK 48 with LST, almost 1 month

    hey guys, here are some new pictures, a little over a month now. I took Slam's advice and figgured one fan leaf more wouldn't hurt. I cut it. seems to be looking good so far, the folded leaves in the new growth makes me a little concerned but if it won't hurt the plant I don't mind it. i...
  20. muybiensur

    Barney Frank

    I think this should be a pure states rights issue. How about something along the lines of how abortion used to be-- each state can choose what they want. We all know what happened after a few decades... national legalization. Also, considering that this is a gigantic industry which goes...