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    White Widows, window light

    I need to find some F'ing lights blah.
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    White Widows, window light

    Update on this, I still haven't gotten lights yet... Uh... I'll do it today! Right now they're hella stretching and they're only getting 6 hours of sunlight every day. its been roughly a month now, and they're still tilted etc. How many hours of light should I give them by light? My friend...
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    White Widows, window light

    When I see others plants they're much bigger for plants this old... I was worried I was messing up.
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    White Widows, window light

    I'm using regular potting soil, a little miracle grow and good old natural sunlight (I get alot). Do these have a chacne of getting much of a crop or would you recommend I switch to unnatural light and fertilizer/chemicals? This is about 1.5 weeks in. I should also note this is my first time :P
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    My Desk Grow Box.....

    What light would be optimal for a space that small? I plan on doing the same thing to my desk except I'm willing to spend a bit more on lighting. I've already wired computer fans to the back, and its basically the same size as his. Except I have no plants yet. Cheers.
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    ?on Ritalin,plz help

    Lmao. I thought it was a joke at first but I nearly toppled over. Yeah I'll pass this technique onto my circle hahaha.
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    ?on Ritalin,plz help

    Depends on what brand of Ritalin, but you can't overdose on it... It feels like coke but weaker, lasts about 4 hours (that includes the burnout)... 1 or 2 pills is normal, over that I don't know what can happen. I know alot of people who do it. If you have any questions in specific just ask.
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    Looking for Seeds via Paypal (website or privately)

    I don't have a credit card or bank account that I personally own, however I do have paypal money I am willing to spend. If anyone has a good website that sells seeds and allows paypal payments, or if you have seeds and your willing to mail me some... Send me a Private Message, I will pay for...
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    Help me with my noob Closet Grow-op shelf thing

    That website infact doesn't take paypal, this is starting to get irritating...
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    Help me with my noob Closet Grow-op shelf thing

    Do any reputable seed banks accept paypal? I checked the first few but it would appear not... and I'm far to lazy to go look for seeds today so I would rather have them delivered to my door.
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    Help me with my noob Closet Grow-op shelf thing

    How do I aquire a reflecter (for the light to hang from) and 2ndly, how far should the light be away from the plant itself? How close is to close, how far is to far. Can I make a reflector out of a mirror or tinfoil? I'll be heading to the hardware store tommorow, and then the BCMP bookstore...
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    Help me with my noob Closet Grow-op shelf thing

    I have a medium closet, power outlets, and it even has rack. Dimensions (roughly): -6 Feet Tall -5 Feet wide -2 Feet Deep The racks are about 1.5 feet apart, and they can come out. I can use as much power as I want, and I'm willing to spend 300$ to make this suffient(my parents don't...