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  1. K

    Marijuana plant for sale Pics (budding)

    Guys you are all so right.....Asuming you dont live in a county were it IS legal to grow. LOL :dunce:
  2. K

    Marijuana plant for sale Pics (budding)

    so how much the bud cost. Does all bud cost the same ?
  3. K

    Marijuana plant for sale Pics (budding)

    Howmuch can you sell a plant like mine for, I dont smoke weed so it seems a waste. Grew it as a joke Its turned out better than I Thought Tho its only a foot and a half tall. Unknown strain ?
  4. K

    buds Ready to smoke yet ? Pics

    so let me get this right you can cut the buds of a plant and then it will re veg and continue to grow ? If that is so how comp people cut there plants down is it so they can make hash out of the stalks fan leaves ect.
  5. K

    buds Ready to smoke yet ? Pics

    ok i dont even smoke so its not a case of needing anything too smoke. I wanna sell it if i can. How much do you guys buy these plants for.
  6. K

    buds Ready to smoke yet ? Pics

    so how much would a plant like mine be worth, If I tryed to sell it. To your mom for example LOL
  7. K

    buds Ready to smoke yet ? Pics

    Mabie till christmas. Ill leave it with my mum tho LOL. ill tell her its parsly.
  8. K

    buds Ready to smoke yet ? Pics

    no i mean do nothing at all to the plant just leave it. I know it sounds like a dumb question.
  9. K

    buds Ready to smoke yet ? Pics

    thanks for the info there is alot of good advice in those guides. I really dont wanna cut it down personally I dont think is ready either, but thats just a gut feeling. But as i am leaving the county and a couple of weeks I dont know what else to do. I cant take it with me, If i leave it with a...
  10. K

    buds Ready to smoke yet ? Pics

    Thanks again i was wondering if i did nothing to the plant and let her live would it bud again yearly in the same season.
  11. K

    buds Ready to smoke yet ? Pics

    ok thanks its gonna break my heart to kill her tho. + i dont even know how to harvest properly.
  12. K

    buds Ready to smoke yet ? Pics

    thanks its my first grow so im pretty chuffed about it.
  13. K

    buds Ready to smoke yet ? Pics

    Does my girly look ready to murder yet ? The buds are very sticky and shes stinking my garden out.
  14. K

    Ready to smoke yet ? Pics

    Does the bud look ready ? the things stinking my garden out. buds very sticky.
  15. K

    Male or Female?? Please Help

    Its a male no doubt at all in my opinion.
  16. K

    Amazing What Happens in the Dark

    1st pic is a male 100 percent looks good tho
  17. K

    what strain is this thing ?

    its only limescale
  18. K

    what strain is this thing ?

    does it look ok what strain is it
  19. K

    Anybody tell me the strain (pics)

    Does this plant look ok its my first grow.
  20. K

    Help!!!!please anybody!!!!!

    if its an outdoor grow it could be birds or other animal life