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    My DIY Aero Cloner...51 Site...

    lookin at your pictures gives me a boner... i built a cheaper aero cloner with the bubble wands first time i tried i couldn't get a single clone to root. Im now on my second attempt to get roots i feel like they were getting too much moisture so i took off humidity dome.
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    Suggestions on good heavy yeilding strains?

    Currently i am workin with BOG Bogglegum from BC Buddepot here is a link if you wanna check it out. Quality is very very good. It says it is a heavy yeilder but i would have to disagree all the buds have been really light and fluffy Using...
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    Looking for a Hefty yeilder ez to clone strain help plz

    Currently i am workin with BOG Bogglegum from BC Buddepot here is a link if you wanna check it out. Quality is very very good. It says it is a heavy yeilder but i would have to disagree all the buds have been really light...
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    DIY Ez Cloner: Cloning help

    help help help!!!!!!
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    DIY Ez Cloner: Cloning help

    i just wanted to bump this to see if i could gett a few more peoples opinions cause i gotta cut clones later this evening and i want this shit to work
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    DIY Ez Cloner: Cloning help

    I know the ph if good, i think 6.8 or something like that. my mothers are probally about 5-6 months old i can't remember. i am semi experienced grow too and new to site welcome. i used to goto a site called overgrow ahile back
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    DIY Ez Cloner: Cloning help

    I have the money but its an hr drive :sad: i usually wait till i have a few items to get till i head down the the old store but this is important i just don't want to drive an hour for the clonex unless it it gunna make things work. It seems like the times i had success with the perlite and...
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    DIY Ez Cloner: Cloning help

    Also another question if the problem is too much water how often should i have the bubbles on? 30min on 30 min off on/off/on/off etc.....???
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    DIY Ez Cloner: Cloning help

    i am a some what experianced grower but i have yet to master cloning i have been doing stuff for about 5 years but just tried cloning this year. I have tried cloning alot of different ways and the only way i had mild success was cloning in perlite and vermiculite but the success rate was only...
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    DIY Ez Cloner: Cloning help

    Well here i am once again typing another thread up because i am am having great difficulty getting clones to take root. I think it has to do with the strain but who knows i just can't get any luck. I would include photos but i dunno if it would help too much and at this very moment i don't have...
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    Gibberellic Acid questions

    Ok so let me start with a short story on why i am asking this. It all started with my little sister taking a college class on horticulture or botany or something. she learns about the stuff called Gibberellic Acid say you gotta try it i promise it will really help your shit. so i ignore her but...
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    Bubbling aero cloner questions

    im trying to build my own aero cloner because this method seems to work very well. i just bought 2x 15" air curtains and they are hooked up to a 20/60 aquarium pump the container is about 16" long 7"tall and about 12 " wide. My questions are how do i know if it is bubbleing enough? right now i...
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    I have a question about DIY ez cloner

    thx for the help where could i get a submersible thermostat heater? walmart?
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    I have a question about DIY ez cloner

    Ok so i seen this article :wall: in the grow FAQ it mentions some thing about a timer quoted below "One - cheap pull up tripper type timer about @ $5.00, please dont try aero cloning without the timer, it is critical imho for fast...
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    Clones Dead Growth tips?

    Hi i have been posting here saying i have been having trouble getting clones to root. Well the answer for me seem to be using 50%perlite and 50% vermiculite. This time i had a much better success rate. Any ways i noticed the ones that did die took root and soon after the growth tip shriveled up...
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    Stem rot? Need help with clones...

    i had to bump this cause i didn't really get the answer i was looking for
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    Stem rot? Need help with clones...

    i know you can grow with just water but my setup is a little larger i try to turn out about 40 clones every 2 weeks and having to do 40 of them in water seems like a pain in the ass ( having to keep the water level right on all of them, maybe im wrong bout that.
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    Stem rot? Need help with clones...

    I am an experienced grower. but an in experienced cloner! I have been having a hell of a time cloning my Bogglegum mamas i have tried every 2 weeks and it seems hardly any survive out of 40 clones. I have noticed alot of the time the stem turns kind of black. plus once the 2 weeks is up i pull...
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    I need help with my cloning plz

    is there a post on how to build ur own ez cloner
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    I need help with my cloning plz

    Ok let me explain the situation. I have a decent amount of experience growing regularly in soil. However recently i wanted to have a harvest every 2 weeks so i started some mamas BOG Bogglegum. I grew them up took 40 clones only 20 survived and rooted. Next 2 weeks i did it again these were...