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  1. D

    How to treat an over fertilised plant ?

    I believe my plant is over fertilised and isn't drinking the water because it has to much nutrients in it maybe? I'm doing organic grow and it has all the signs of over fertilising. I'm 4 weeks and 4 days into flowering ! What should I do from here?
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    Plant problem desperate for help please

    So what would you say I do I do have some mychorrize great white shark
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    Plant problem desperate for help please

    So what would be your next step from here as my soil is still thoroughly wet ? And would that explain the not drinking also?
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    Plant problem desperate for help please

    It's 3 weeks in flower and all my other plants are alot darker in colour this plant is light green and the others are drinking alot! How would I give cal mag is this the problem?
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    Plant problem desperate for help please

    The problem has started since starting to feed bloom nutes which is old timers bloom 3-5-2 and I'm feeding 3ml per litre , would that mean that it would stop drinking tho ? And how do I fix this more nutes maybe ? I'm using plagron light mix I'm growing in 3 gal pots
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    Plant problem desperate for help please

    Worried about my plant it's 3 weeks into flower and is very light green compared to the other plants it also has curling brown tips and isn't drinking it water , the leafs stems are purpley red and the leaves also look like they are lighter near the edges but some edges are also brown/purple...
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    What's wrong with my plant?

    Nothing? Anyone ?
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    What's wrong with my plant?

    Since I switched to flowering I'm feeding oldtimers bloom 3-5-2
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    What's wrong with my plant?

    I have 4 plants this one is alot lighter green than the others they are all the same strain and she doesn't seem to be drinking the water anyone can help? The leaves are also clawing and have markings the tips of some top leaves are brown right at the tip. I'm two weeks into flower
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    What's my problem please help

    It's working up my plant the leaves above are going alot lighter I fed them 4 ml more nutes yesterday but problem still persists so I'm thinks should i transplant ?
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    What's my problem please help

    My soil doesn't need ph tested from what I've read my soil is plagron light mix
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    What's my problem please help

    I use plant magic old timer grow should i just increase the dosage of this nutrient it's 5-3-3
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    What's my problem please help

    Thanks , anyone else with a definite diagnosis
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    What's my problem please help

    Hi my lower leaves of my plant are yellowing and some have crispy tips here's some pictures
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    Seedling sprouted in a loop?

    Exactly that I didn't see it just looked and its a loop first time I've seen it above surface
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    Seedling sprouted in a loop?

    My seedling came threw my coco and seems to have gone back into the coco so now it looks like a little white semi circle will it pull its way up and threw or something?
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    What's my problems ?

    It's plagron light mix
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    What's my problems ?

    Anyone please ??
  19. D

    What's my problems ?

    Help please why are my plants going like this
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    Seedling HELP

    Nothing anyone?