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  1. xxjohndeerexx

    Long time no see RIU! Still in the game, just on a different level!

    Long time no see RIU! Still in the game, just on a different level!
  2. xxjohndeerexx

    burying bottom leaves

    Im no expert, But trying to invoke "Faster" growth by burying lower sets of leaves, Does Not sound like it will work. Ive heard of lolipoping(removing all the lower nodes) and burying a lot of the stalk to allow new roots to develop. If anything it may cause the plant to stretch, as well as...
  3. xxjohndeerexx

    Re-veg question

    I took 6 clones from two strains that were 1 month into flower, I put then into a 24 hour veg. Had roots within 7 days, The 3 green cracks clones took about 3 weeks to start showing normal growth again. The 3 purple urkles, at 6 weeks still had funky leafs growing, So i topped it. 1 week after...
  4. xxjohndeerexx

    Plant needs help! As do I!

    "some leaves (overwater) are yellow and the rest brown" There are yellowing leaves(from the bottom up, seems to be the older sunleaves yellowing first), But there are not any brown leaves, none of the leaves are Burnt, or brown. just yellowing. One leaf has a few spots on it. rest of the leaves...
  5. xxjohndeerexx

    Plant needs help! As do I!

    Thankyou marquezmurder Its my third grow, But the first grow that will be 100% mine, no outside investors, no borrowed equip etc. And this is the first time Ive tried to run 100% organic. Im coming over from the fox farm trio and never really had any issues. But also being the first time Ive...
  6. xxjohndeerexx

    Plant needs help! As do I!

    I Have several clones about day 20 into veg, waiting for the green crack and two purple urkles to get chopped down, then 3 more clones will be going in. trying to dial in a harvest every month or two. 3 sets of 3, all different stages of flower. and clones always ready to go into flower room.
  7. xxjohndeerexx

    Plant needs help! As do I!

    Lysergicpt - The Yellowing Does start with bottom leaves and worked it way up. The spotting, Has not progressed since I administered calmag. But will hold off just in case :) I water one day, then next watering day I would feed. Every other watering I feed. Not every watering. ""whoa...
  8. xxjohndeerexx

    Plant needs help! As do I!

    Not sure on the flowering time, The colas are huge but the actual, I guess they be called pistols have yet to swell and densify so I'm assuming 2-3 more weeks. The purple urkles went in at the same exact time and the pistols swole a week or so ago. Ill go ahead and back off the nutes and just...
  9. xxjohndeerexx

    Plant needs help! As do I!

    Ill definitely start washing the tank out again after feedings, But I am concerned with flushing for if its just a deficiency, wouldn't I just further the problem by flushing what nutrients are in the soil out, and delay a cure even longer? I really appreciate you taking the time to lend advice...
  10. xxjohndeerexx

    Plant needs help! As do I!

    After each tea I would take it outside and hose out any old debris that made it through the tea bag. When I switched to the Bottle nutes I would end up using all the water in the 10gal tank except for the inch of water on the bottom that doesnt make it through the spout. Ive been just refilling...
  11. xxjohndeerexx

    Plant needs help! As do I!

    I do not, I was only able to afford at the time, a inline water filter that helps reduce tds and chlorine(I think its meant for a fridge). I do allow the water to bubble for 2 days before its used to ensure as much chlorine as possible has evapped out
  12. xxjohndeerexx

    Plant needs help! As do I!

    I haven't, I'm still trying to figure out if its a deficiency or a over dose/lock of something, Also she still have a few weeks to go, She hasn't even began to swell up yet.
  13. xxjohndeerexx

    Plant needs help! As do I!

    Its day 49 today since I put them in the flower room.
  14. xxjohndeerexx

    Plant needs help! As do I!

    Hey Rollitup, I'm lost atm and cant figure out what my girl needs. Shes heavy into flower and I can't seem to stop the yellowing. I want to keep her as happy and healthy as long as I can. Is this just normal yellowing, Do i need to Give some N or did I mess it up completely? If you need any...
  15. xxjohndeerexx

    Thinking of switching to organic

    You know, I never thought about that. The gloves I do utilize and washing hands afterwords but never thought about the dust and whatnot. Thanks for the headsup!
  16. xxjohndeerexx

    Thinking of switching to organic

    Im currently doing a full organic grow, Didnt make a super soil, But I did add a few thing to it. I love the fact that I dont have to worry about burning my plants, or at least I havent yet :) Some organic stuff when brewing tea's balance the Ph out at least in my case. And the tea's, I dont...
  17. xxjohndeerexx

    Rape culture

    The lady that was allegedly raped at UVA(JackieCoakley is confirmed the "Jackie" wrote about in the rape article) Is not shy of accusing people of rape, as its not her first rape accusation. A independent journalist named Charles C johnson, @ChuckCJohnson, supposedly has proof of the hoax, and...
  18. xxjohndeerexx

    Popping some CreenCrack/Mendo Haze seeds, and some Purple Urkles. day 3 since I dropped them in...

    Popping some CreenCrack/Mendo Haze seeds, and some Purple Urkles. day 3 since I dropped them in soil, 3/6 have popped.
  19. xxjohndeerexx

    Just picked up 8" Hurricane 745cfm duct fan, Durabreeze 8" carbon filter, Ducting and clamps...

    Just picked up 8" Hurricane 745cfm duct fan, Durabreeze 8" carbon filter, Ducting and clamps, brandnew with warranty for $255.00. STOKED!
  20. xxjohndeerexx

    Burn This Bitch Down!

    This guy tells it like it is. “Now, they know all about the last three people that have been killed by the Milwaukee police department over the course of the last several years,” the upset Flynn stated. “There’s not one of them, can name one of the last three homicide victims we’ve had in this...