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  1. M

    What's wrong with this picture?

    I think it looks better. I'm letting it dry a bit more. I sized the photos so the pot is the same size in both so you can eyeball what four days growth looks like. I'm starting to think the sun may not be the best source of light for a color judgement. In Colorado in December the sun is about as...
  2. M

    What's wrong with this picture?

    Is the epsom salt just for the perkiness? I'm really only concerned with the color of the larger plant. I don't have a mister and was wondering if I could wipe a few leaves with a damp cloth and then 3 days later those leaves should either be standing out or not. It looked noticeably better to...
  3. M

    What's wrong with this picture?

    Thanks a lot Labs Dexter (that's a good link) and everyone else. I'll cut the light back two hours.
  4. M

    What's wrong with this picture?

    Thanks a lot for all the advice. I was thinking about cutting back the light but didn't know if that would trigger flowering. You say I can safely cut the light back to 22 hours right? Maybe I didn't ask my main question very well. To me the left plant couldn't look more perfect. It looks a...
  5. M

    What's wrong with this picture?

    The smaller plant is from an ancient seed of unknown variety and the bigger and more yellow plant is Blue Widow from a clone. Every single growing condition is exactly the same and the small plant looks like the most perfect looking plant I've ever seen while the Blue Widow looks pale green to...
  6. M

    If you wonder about virtual sun hydroponics

    I was ripped off by these scumbags too. Nothing they sell has ever been tested. My first ballast was bad which they did replace. It took 20 days but the replacement was bad too. They didn't even test the replacement unit. After that they refused to talk to me further on the issue. Unbelievable...
  7. M

    nebody knows about virtual sun hydroponics

    This company ripped me off. Nothing they sell has ever been tested. The first ballast was bad. The replacement was bad and then they refused to talk to me. Total ripoff.