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  1. theganjamonger

    Outdoor light leaks, am I in trouble?!

    ^^^ It's normally 45 at night and 60 early In the morning. The key word is high altitude. Inside the bag it's probably 80 Colorado is dry af I don't think humidity in the bag is that high. The soil is never wet just moist 2" down. I have sticks in the pots to kind of make a tent out of the...
  2. theganjamonger

    Outdoor light leaks, am I in trouble?!

    It's not the nights im worried about theres 2 hours of sunlight before I take the bag off in the morning, for all I know light got through the holes. If u really think they will continue flowering with 14hrs then ill trust u I just thought it had to be 12/12. Can fluctuations in the light...
  3. theganjamonger

    Outdoor light leaks, am I in trouble?!

    Ok here's the deal, im growing high altitude in Colorado guerilla style. It was a challenge from the start but luckily my girls survived hail, dry soil(forgot to water one day), and cold nights. Idk when plants normally flower in this area but my girls were started indoors for 2 months(started...
  4. theganjamonger

    Outdoor grow in Colorado?

    Im in Colorado Springs I want to do a guerrilla grow but im not sure if it'll be worth it. For starters the weather is unpredictable, nights can be cold even in summer. There is no humidity, it doesn't rain much. What strains would be best for this climate? Will I have to harvest early first...
  5. theganjamonger

    48 hours of light before harvest?

    24 hrs of darkness prior to harvest will make her believe she's dying and she will produce more frost and catalysts in a last effort to get pollinated. If you have unstable genetics doing this may cause the plant to become a hermie. 48 hrs sounds like too much.
  6. theganjamonger

    How can I get a red card?

    Im moving to Colorado Springs soon, does anyone know if I can get medicated for anxiety, insomnia, or depression? What is the process I know I have to become a resident but then what?
  7. theganjamonger

    Florida Skunk Ape's 2nd Guerilla Grow

    Looks great, stay safe bro, watch out for helicopters I wish I could grow in Florida its one of the only states you can grow year round.
  8. theganjamonger

    Need some HELP!!!

    Get some Pro-mix soil or a Peat/perlite/soil mix. I only use nutes after the 2nd week and even then its a fairly weak dose like 5-5-5.
  9. theganjamonger

    pink furs

    I've never seen that happen but then again I've only grown a few times. A silver haze I grew had white pistils and a bagseed had orange pistils, you might be lucky and got ur hands on some exotic genetics. If it turns out to be dank u should clone it or consider cross breeding to create a new...
  10. theganjamonger

    Ripped ARM OFF!

    Idk what your talking about do you mean the node? How many nodes are there on the plant? You should determine sex after the 5th cannabis is a weed it is resilient and will continue growing. On the other hand if your genetics are unstable it might turn into a tranny.
  11. theganjamonger

    New member, NEW GROWER , Need HELP!,

    Wtf is all that shit why do people make shit so complicated all u need is soil some lights and nutes fuck hydro.
  12. theganjamonger

    1st try 4 kinds cfl grow

    There's nothing wrong with cfl you want above 5,000k for veg and 2700k for flowering. You could pull off 1ounce with 150watts.
  13. theganjamonger

    Does my soil drain too well?

    Less perlite maybe get some manure in there.
  14. theganjamonger

    Phosphorus issues

    Throw some bone meal in that shit.
  15. theganjamonger

    What is AutoFlowering?

    There are three distinct strains of cannabis known to man. Sativa, Indica, and Rudaralis the last one has the genetics that make it flower when mature regardless of light schedule. Normal strains require 12/12 light schedule to flower. Many breeders breed sativa and Indica with Rudaralis.
  16. theganjamonger

    Goodbye Grasscity, greetings Rollitup!

    I deleted my Facebook a year ago, it was cool in high school and even my first year of college but I think its gay af now. If you want to talk to me call/text me fuck facebook. I think all it does is make people more narcissistic and sociopath-ey.
  17. theganjamonger

    Goodbye Grasscity, greetings Rollitup!

    Theres going to be some interesting threads from me coming up during the summer, im planning a guerrilla grow once I get to CO, im going to crossbreed and create a strain, collect seeds, its going to be dope. 2013 is going to be a great year.
  18. theganjamonger

    Goodbye Grasscity, greetings Rollitup!

    That would have got you an infraction on Grasscity lmao, heres another example of just how out of control the mods are.
  19. theganjamonger

    Goodbye Grasscity, greetings Rollitup!

    Ok good to know. I'll admit I do have somewhat of a temper but its best not to feed the trolls you are 100% right.
  20. theganjamonger

    Goodbye Grasscity, greetings Rollitup!

    Idk I guess im still a little pissed I got banned over something so stupid, sorry for being so negative im all about good vibes.