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  1. nick2127

    weedworld? anyone

    i had already had 2 ladies filling my tent space up right now but just threw the last 2 (one was real immature and never popped a couple weeks ago) in my dome/tray in jiffy cubes w/ some great white and a few drops of bio thrive bloom in the water ph set at 6 heres a pic of what im waiting on to...
  2. nick2127

    new grow log 3rd lifetime grow

    just realized i have swapped grow areas and am now in a 2 x 3 x 6 ft high tent (lol mentioned that in intro i guess haha)
  3. nick2127

    new grow log 3rd lifetime grow

    ok so heres the funny part lets fast forward say 3 weeks maybe 4 who knows shoulda dated things but my thoughts are past this grow of great bagseed to my next line of good genetics but anyways so fast forward 3-4 weeks to picture on right now funny thing is the 2 nicest plants outta the 4 are...
  4. nick2127

    weedworld? anyone

    already have two ladies in bloom right now so have on back stock darkstar th seeds medicann scrog (sour x og ) and green poison sweet seeds also ladyburn and afghani i think but anyways so i got impatient and just threw a scrog in some water and great white for a few then ill stick them in a...
  5. nick2127

    new grow log 3rd lifetime grow

    these are from week 1-2
  6. nick2127

    new grow log 3rd lifetime grow

    ok guys bear with me.Ive been lurking around these sights for years and havent picked up a seed since 07.Seeing as how i only had grown two previous times to harvest and the space of time between i might as well be a complete newbie so theres alot of trial and error in the begining of this grow...