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  1. G

    !st time grower

    Hey Mike. They look great to me. Are they indicas?
  2. G

    The Best All Around Guide I've Seen. Covers Everything Nubes!

    Thoroughly entertaining. Thanks.
  3. G

    How to Legalize Cannabis!

    Yeah, kind of hypocritical. I've met tons of people like that too. They give Christians a bad name.
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    How to Legalize Cannabis!

    One more comment. There are many, many references in the bible regarding persons who have doubts. I believe it too is part of being a Christian.
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    How to Legalize Cannabis!

    I do know what you are saying. My belief is simply a person who believes Christ as the son of God is a Christian. As Christians we are to model ourselves after Jesus. God knows we are only human and are sinners. The old testament is not what we are to fashion our lives upon. Jesus fulfilled...
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    How to Legalize Cannabis!

    Loadeddragon-when you said you've never met a true christian, what did you mean?
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    Could choosing our next president be as simple as character? And if so, why are American politicians seemingly so devoid of it? There was a time I would vote for a republican if I thought he was a better candidate. Even now, I will vote republican if I thought he is the best person for the...
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    p.s. Only if he were a woman would he have had a scarlett letter.
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    I have no where else to bitch so I'm going to do it here. Some of the persons posting here don't understand what's the big deal and I can't describe why it is a big deal for others. I can only speak for myself. I saw John Edwards as a breath of fresh air. I actually believed his heart was in...
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    See How The Government Is Spending Our Money

    Hey HockeyRocks001 you sound like my generation. We too thought our generation would make a difference, but it didn't. Back in the 70's everyone smoked pot. We would go to street festivals and people would openly smoke. Driving down the road, random people would signal and ask if you wanted to...
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    Read If You Have Dirt

    Are you suggesting spraying your plants with insecticides? Isn't that bad for your health when you ingest/smoke the final product?
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    Weed is in your bible!!

    Awesome reference. Thanks.
  13. G

    Firecracker sans oven??

    I am absolutely not an expert when it comes to cooking marijuana but as a damn fine cook, your theory of cooking on top of the stove seems like a good one. I read recently to cook marijuana for at least 15 for the full potency to come up. Good Luck!
  14. G

    Long food storage

    I don't have a vaccum sealer. Bummer. But does THC loose it's potency after being cooked and stored for weeks at a time? I've tried looking up in previous threads but I don't see any information regarding this.
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    Long food storage

    Did you ever get any information on your question? I've been looking for information regarding how long the potency of baked goods remains "high". Does anyone know if the THC breaks down over time? I too would like to make some baked goods and keep for longer periods of time.
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    What happens if you transplant into a container that is to big

    Why don't people just plant their starter plants into the size pot they will need for a mature plant. Incidently, what size pot should a full size plant need?
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    Grow Space

    If you would indicate on the picture how much space is available that would help the others to scale. In other words, put down how high your free space is like so:
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    Weed is in your bible!!

    Thanks for saying what I've always believed. The bible is the word of God and God put everything here on this earth for our use.
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    Proposed method of making "Happy Cap" capsules.

    I had no idea people would make caps but I'm curious.... won't the liquid melt the capsules?