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  1. Luscious.Earth

    A Question About Exhausting via Furnace Ducts

    Hmmn ok, dont want that. Thanx fxbane, what are these baffles like? I know i can build an insulated box for the fan vibration, but i remember from the 10" days that distinct whosh of air. Maybe it wont be such an issue now with a smaller fan, haven't set it up yet. It's also a good 15+feet up...
  2. Luscious.Earth

    A Question About Exhausting via Furnace Ducts

    Just wondering... Would running a 6in carbon exhaust from the G-room into a heat duct while the furnace is idle cause issues? (pilot light, humidity, etc.) The idea is to push warm air down to the basement which acts as heat sync and maybe gets some airflow down there too. Would this work? Or...
  3. Luscious.Earth

    My outdoor in the best summer ireland has ever seen

    Nice! I've always thought nettles would make a great cover crop hehe
  4. Luscious.Earth

    Are purple/brown branch stems a problem?

    It's just part of the plant's pigmentation and character. Nothing to worry about :)
  5. Luscious.Earth

    Fungus Gnats, Desperately searching for answers.

    *Whew* Thanx :)
  6. Luscious.Earth

    Fungus Gnats, Desperately searching for answers.

    Out oh, i hope that's not what's going on here... I'm a bit lax on the feeding regimen which I attribute the yellowing to. Bottom leaves are always dying off, but i noticed some rust scabbing on lots of em. I should mention i let them get dry between watering and have a small fan running 24/7, I...
  7. Luscious.Earth

    Purple strains drying/curing question (light, airy buds)

    I had several varieties go purple in a cool grow, they weren't harsh. Flushed well, dried in a good drying room on the rack, about 3 days.
  8. Luscious.Earth

    Quick cloning question..

    Root gels and powders etc contain hormones that are supposed to help stimulate rooting. The main one to know about is IAA(Indole Acetic Acid) , or more broadly, Auxin. Auxins are hormones in the plant that tell it where to grow, so you put some on the cut stem of your clone to be, it gets...
  9. Luscious.Earth

    Does Marijuana help fight depression?

    Well, there are several different types of depression and associated mental illnesses. Pot works differently than typical treatment like SSRI's. It works by stimulating the endocanibiniod system, releasing lots of feel-good nurochemicals. I understand the pharms "inhibit" or prevent the...
  10. Luscious.Earth

    How to not get Caught! (AKA: Stealth Smoking)

    To expand on dealing with the smoke; Carbon filters work sooo well, and 12$ for a sheet of it is worth while. Cut and place over intake of fans, blow smoke towards fan and let run a while after finished. I have been using the kitchen hood fan to exhaust but now that im in a densely populated...
  11. Luscious.Earth

    Sustainable fertilizer: Urine and wood ash produce large harvest

    I did find an exact recipe... But you need a scale accurate to the (tenth)? of a gram. Haven't had opportunity to test it yet but here ya go: Vegatative Mixture N: 400ppm P:122ppm K:340ppm Ca: 333ppm Mg: 72ppm Mixture 51ml Urine, 1.54g Wood Ash...