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  1. SmokeyJoel

    Bird Seed Suprise

    but getting high isnt one of them..
  2. SmokeyJoel

    Bird Seed Suprise

    Yeah i was a bit confused about that, basically, even the best hemp plants arent worth shit ?
  3. SmokeyJoel

    Bird Seed Suprise

    HAAH nevermind, didnt know hemp produced different pollen/buds
  4. SmokeyJoel

    Bird Seed Suprise

    Well, im new to growing so i thought i would practise on some crap seeds, basically ones from a bag of birdseed. I was worried they would be sterile, but they germinated and are now about 7cm seedlings. But i was thinking about strain they could be, probabley horrible indica. I just thought a...
  5. SmokeyJoel

    Stretching Plants...

    cheers guys
  6. SmokeyJoel

    Stretching Plants...

    Does that mean 24 hours of light isnt recomended ?
  7. SmokeyJoel

    height question?? need help

    I have this problem to :( i guess its my light being wank.
  8. SmokeyJoel

    Welcome New Members!

    First time grower, glad to join so many others! started to germ seeds (bout 30) so ill keep you posted, just glad i have somewhere to ask questions.. glad to join