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  1. C

    Confusion about rockwool

    You can't switch cubes once roots are growing out. Just put a layer of grow rocks in your grow basket and put your rockwool then cover with grow rocks
  2. C

    gettin beefy at day 28...and my 12/12 seedling attempt...

    Awesome plant dude. She's beautiful. Do you run the same wavelength in all the bulbs like 2500k for flower? And what watt are your bulbs? (Not equivalent watts). I'm a big fan of cfls. Thanks for your time
  3. C

    Super droopy plants. Please help I don't want to lose my mothers

    I saw the wrong plants roots I thought they where. I'm going to lose all the plants but I will clean the system. Thanks everyone for the help. Dam root rot
  4. C

    Super droopy plants. Please help I don't want to lose my mothers

    I checked the pipe. Everything's good. One plant is completely dead so I pulled it. Do these roots look normal to you guys? take into consideration I just changed my nutes so it hasn't settled yet and the big bloom is a brown liquid. Thanks everyone for helping
  5. C

    Super droopy plants. Please help I don't want to lose my mothers

    Hey man good information on water temp. I will get you the numbers tomorrow
  6. C

    Super droopy plants. Please help I don't want to lose my mothers

    What i wrote is the amount i use but its at 75% strength. the PPM was at 1000 at the time problems occurred. there was no signs of chemical burn of nutrient lock. PPM now is 700
  7. C

    Super droopy plants. Please help I don't want to lose my mothers

    i assume youre using a constant flow system right? yes when was the last time you changed your rez water? about a week. After we noticed signs of droopyness we did 2 day flush with distilled water thinking maybe there was some build up. Today we replaced the water with a fresh batch of...
  8. C

    Super droopy plants. Please help I don't want to lose my mothers

    Thanks for info. I think you are right. I don't know what could of shocked them. They chill in a closet all by themselves. There going to die tho. Poor plants
  9. C

    Super droopy plants. Please help I don't want to lose my mothers

    Yup white. Its really tripping me out.
  10. C

    Super droopy plants. Please help I don't want to lose my mothers

    Is there any way that a plant can get choked out by other plant roots in the system. If so is that one of the signs. Thanks again guys for your help
  11. C

    Super droopy plants. Please help I don't want to lose my mothers

    Well the plants sit in a stream of water about two inches high that drains into my res. There still a steady flow of water. The only thing I changed is when I added more water(distilled) cause the res was getting low
  12. C

    Super droopy plants. Please help I don't want to lose my mothers

    Hi. I have 4 mother plants in 5ft 4in PVC pipe. Each hole is approx 14in apart. System hold gallons 6 gallons. Plants are about a foot high. Nutrients are fox farm big bloom 4tbs per gallon and grow big 2tsp per gallon. 75% strength ph is always stable and around 6.0 ppm around 1000. Lights are...