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  1. Teleglass

    Growing my first ams, the church indoor plants

    so here some pics of today... finally. ja. by the way, it was with the lights off when i took these photos. well it kinda needed some more light at the bottom... and the buds werent that big... but i'm leaving it 2 more days with the light 12/12. any suggestions? any comments about how it looks...
  2. Teleglass

    Growing my first ams, the church indoor plants

    :hump:Now its very hairy, a lor of crystal, very stinky, and a lot of bud is now showing :D couldn't be happier, now. the branches got thicker and a lot of bud is growing, i would like to make one lightbulb more effective, any suggestions? well ill get some pics a soon as i get a camara. cheers...
  3. Teleglass

    Growing my first ams, the church indoor plants

    :mrgreen: these are the pics
  4. Teleglass

    Growing my first ams, the church indoor plants

    its going well. Its probably in week 3 of flowering, and you can start to see the accumulation of the hairs :D. its on the schedule 11 hours on, 13off. i;ll put some pics up, the problem is the hps light wont let me take quality pictures. but will try to get some good ones tomorrow so i can...
  5. Teleglass

    What movie are u watching whilst high?

    those are good titles man, you forgot samurai champloo.
  6. Teleglass

    Growing my first ams, the church indoor plants

    i haven't updated lately so later night i;m going to post some pics... went out of city this weekend, someone tripped over the timer... had the lights on for 48 hours+... damn, now i hope i gets better. about 6 leaves dried up. cut them off.. see how it goes.. here's a pic of my 2 fav things...
  7. Teleglass

    Growing my first ams, the church indoor plants

    I'm thinking of starting to flower it with a 12-12 hour schedule.. I'm more interested in the process of the plant and how you can manipulate it, I'm looking for little bud for this grow... does anyone have any suggestions about starting to flower at this point?
  8. Teleglass

    What movie are u watching whilst high?

    wes anderson films- life aquatic the royal tenembaums bottlerocket rushmore darjeeling limited.. always good movies man.
  9. Teleglass

    Growing my first ams, the church indoor plants

    here's some pics for the update, its getting high(the ams). i was just asking myself when to start leaving the light on 16hrs and 8 hours off. or just turn it to a 12 hr on, 12 hrs off, i'll wait after 60 days of veging i guess, any recommendations? jaja
  10. Teleglass

    What movie are u watching whilst high?

    like the films, but don't like jodoroski. excellente lsd trip.
  11. Teleglass

    What movie are u watching whilst high?

    you guys gotta watch executive panda and or calamari wrestler ajajaja one of the bests movies to watch high... also check: survive style 5+ very interesting asian movies
  12. Teleglass

    jerk offs once again giving mary jane a bad name by littering..marijuana= pollution..

    - "You ain't just smoking pot, bud. You're smoking some heavy-duty pesticides from Mexico." that's not cool. haha
  13. Teleglass

    First time grower problems

    wow.. hmm, I don't remember seeing that. hey man can you get some clean pics of the stems up? that would be helpful man, see if I can help what was you germinating process? and well yeah, the other thing was bugs... see what happens
  14. Teleglass

    Growing my first ams, the church indoor plants

    hey man hope you can set up your box again, because when it's on a window it rarely get enough light, if it's small put it else where outside, in a really discrete place. any ways, yeah i don't know whats happening with the church man, right now I've put it outside a few hours so it doesn't burn...
  15. Teleglass

    First time grower problems

    yeah just be checking on them to see if their dry, make a little hole with you finger softly into the soil, if its dry it needs watering. don't let them go without water too long, keep a watch regularly.
  16. Teleglass

    First time grower problems

    i have experience the same actually, that its just a stemp pointin upwards, jaja.. it actually just started growing the first sprouting leaves fine.. it just didn't have the little 2 baby leaves on it. hopefully its that, if not it may just roll over dried, only time will tell.
  17. Teleglass

    Growing my first ams, the church indoor plants

    So here are my 2 babies haha, I still have high hopes for the church..:cuss: haha sorry Zee25, I wish these pics in could be of more help in the 26 day... but anyways here they are
  18. Teleglass

    Growing my first ams, the church indoor plants

    sure man, i''l get a pic up at in a few hours after classes... I'm having a little problem with the the church dude. it just starts to dry up and wither. with the 250 hps watt lighting, the room temp just raises up incredibly to 86F, i turn on the ac sometimes to lower it to 80F its because...
  19. Teleglass

    Growing my first ams, the church indoor plants

    I think i'm having a little problem with the church... its on a 18hour on, 6hour off light schedule schedule with the ams as well.. but it seems its hard for it to resist high temperatures.. the ams is a little bigger and has no problem adjusting.. I cut of the dry tips of the church small...
  20. Teleglass

    First Grow...

    yeah its normal for them to start smelling a bit. its where the fun starts :P jaja