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  1. 600Horses

    Maybe a male?

    Some people have all the luck, and some people have all the bad luck. It's called the law of averages, when understood, It can be used to advantage. 20 years of good luck.
  2. 600Horses

    Maybe a male?

    Thanks to all for the insight. I appreciate it. :peace:
  3. 600Horses

    Maybe a male?

    Thanks Csufan. I'm amused that this is the first one I can remember in about 20 years. Just a small question, do male plants produce bud comparable to the females? Just a curiosity question, the Male in question has been eradicated.
  4. 600Horses

    Maybe a male?

    Cool. Got some good photos, here's a few. Thanks.
  5. 600Horses

    Maybe a male?

    Thanks for the replies. Sorry, but I'm fuzzy on the plant's status, do you think it's a male? I've heard that it's ok to keep male plants growing, as long as I keep it away from any females. Thanks
  6. 600Horses

    Maybe a male?

    Good Morning Folks! Got a question about a 10" plant. When it was just 3" tall I pinched it and got the split I wanted. The split was low to the soil and I was happy with the results. The plant is growing well. Last night I took a look at it, I noticed on both stalks, there were small balls...
  7. 600Horses

    An Attack Without Provocation

    That makes a lot of sense. I've got a live catch trap and a snap trap, I'm going to set both tonight. Thanks for the tip.
  8. 600Horses

    An Attack Without Provocation

    I am still tending to believe the attack on the kids last night was from a highly mobile insect. The pots were spread out quite a bit and the attacker was still able to get to all of them. I built shelves on the wood fence on my property line and all were on their shelves which have a...
  9. 600Horses

    An Attack Without Provocation

    Oh! that bottle. I apologize, the bottle isn't on my radar. My ride is a '08 Shelby GT500SE Cobra Pace Car. It is Supercharged and does 600/550 hp. She's pretty quick.
  10. 600Horses

    An Attack Without Provocation

    Ok Woody, Fill me in, I'm not following......
  11. 600Horses

    An Attack Without Provocation

    Yeah, but I appreciate all replies.
  12. 600Horses

    An Attack Without Provocation

    6 hours ago, all my babies were pristine and untouched. For some unknown reason, I grabbed my flashlight and went to the deck outside to check on them. All of them had been eaten to some degree, one of them, unmercifully. I think it had to be a flying insect, but I don't know what. I had...
  13. 600Horses

    Lurker Surfacing

    Damn, I hate those Gamer Spammers. On my other Forum, the monitors bounce them out, but not before we shredded them. I am thankful for the tips so far. Keep them coming. I'm not real clear about the Tomato Food. Should I follow the mixing directions and how often should I feed? Thanks.
  14. 600Horses

    Lurker Surfacing

    Yes I'm new to growing the educated way, been gowing without knowledge for a long time. :wall: Thanks for the valuable information. I know a lot more about making horsepower than weedpower. My car currently does 600 HP.
  15. 600Horses

    Lurker Surfacing

    Yes, it's true, I've been lurking this sight, even before I signed up. This is my first post here. I am a veteran of over 1200 posts on the Shelby Forum that I spend most of my time on. But I'm ready to take the Newbie hazing that usually comes with the Newbie status. I want to say, I love...