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  1. bigbud69

    RIU Presidential Election - Lets vote shall we?

    you mean the same obama who was talking about the "dirty oil" being processed in alberta?
  2. bigbud69

    What words should be banned outright?

    point taken
  3. bigbud69

    What words should be banned outright?

    normally i would not say anything, but such obscene refrences like tapeworms somehow tied in with abortion? it blew me away, i had no idea that such twisted views could come from the mind of someone who is obviously trying to come off as educated and informed. that's what I meant, tardo Try...
  4. bigbud69

    What words should be banned outright?

    i know nothing? im sorry, i was not aware that we have met b4? where do u get off telling me what i no? as for the children who are unwanted, close your fucking legs.
  5. bigbud69

    What words should be banned outright?

    you selfish pig, are you comparing tapeworms and fetuses? i wish abortion was legal, as much as i disagree with it, so people like you would not have kids(sometimes itts fr the best i suppose)
  6. bigbud69

    Marijuana & Diabetes?

    i have been diabetic for over 21 years(i am 23), and have been smoking weed for about 7.i have tested my sugar throughout the smoking process for results, and have found it does indeed lower blood sugar levels, however, watch those munchies!
  7. bigbud69

    Weed is in your bible!!

    i also believe MJ should be legal, but not for the reason most people say-"because it is a plant". cocaine is also a plant, and having seen what that plant can do do people, i believe that is is right that is is illegal. weed should be legal because of the effects it has on the body...
  8. bigbud69

    I Once.

    i once came home from work, and a friend i hadnt seen for years jumped out from around the corner. knocked him out cold. scarred the shit right outta me.
  9. bigbud69

    I'm going to be hated for this, But Bush a Good President

    ditto......anyway were kinda stealin this guys thread.....i cant really comment on Bush, dont know much about the man, cept for what i see on TV. and i dont believe everything i see....i no not enough about the issues that he acts on to pass judgement, all i no is that im glad we are allies with...
  10. bigbud69

    I'm going to be hated for this, But Bush a Good President

    lol, living where i live friend, when "shit" gets tough, it wont be me there coming after
  11. bigbud69

    I'm going to be hated for this, But Bush a Good President

    thank god all americans dont see things as you do
  12. bigbud69

    I'm going to be hated for this, But Bush a Good President

    thank God all americans dont see things as you do
  13. bigbud69

    fishing line

    strange for deer to take just one plant at a time......if deer was the problem there would be obvious signs(tracks,trails,broken branches ect).....i have lost crops to deer but fishing line works. best solution is a fence if it is feisable(make sure it is at least 8 feet high!)
  14. bigbud69

    Smoke Weed With Tobacco???

    i always mix tobacco with weed......especially my homegrown(takes the edge off lol)
  15. bigbud69

    fdd's starting early ----- Outdoor '08

    crazy lookin bug friend......
  16. bigbud69

    ChaCha. The way to get easy bud money. (this is not spam)

    i wish i had the time to spend 2 days on the computer.....i take it if u made 83 dollars and are happy with it u dont pay for anything but weed? must be nice
  17. bigbud69

    You are in a mall when zombies attack.

    weapon:Shillelagh song: why cant we be friends partner:gary cloeman
  18. bigbud69

    Dirty Oil

    "One of the defining characteristics of politicians is a penchant for saying dumb things when they think it might make them more popular and win some votes" A quote from the National Post referring to Obama's talk of "dirty oil" from the Alberta Oil Sands. As a worker on the Oil Sands, I find...
  19. bigbud69

    Flower......5 Colas

    lookin good, keep it up man
  20. bigbud69

    "brown rats" or deer?

    i lost a large portion of a crop one time due to deer, what they didnt eat they line is a good deer fence, set it up about 2 feet off the ground, they walk into it and dont see it, and they stop. they will not cross it because they cannot see it....the best solution for...