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  1. dsnell21

    Help with some questions plzz?

    get the sprouts in soil when tap root is about 1/4in long and plant theabout 1/2in in the dirt
  2. dsnell21

    Anyone freeze their harvest ?

    i freeze my weed all the time i put a couple carrot slices in there helps it from drying oout now thats on weed that i buy havent tried the carrots on anything ive grown because apparently i suck at growing but im going to keep at it
  3. dsnell21

    trying to fix them newbie in trouble

    what soil do u recomend for my seedlings when i start over?
  4. dsnell21

    First grow any advice would be appreciated

    my soil ph was 5.5 not the run off and i have three fans on them and idk if i can start over they really are that dead looking the new growth on them are getting better and green but if the ph is going to kill them then i guess ill try and start over with better dirt where would be a place to...
  5. dsnell21

    First grow any advice would be appreciated

    useing a 6500k t5 grow light my medium is an oganic mix from local nursurey there was no npk content on bag tested it the n was real low p med and k was low i was told it was nute burn but i havent added any i will say my temps get a lil high at times i just added some organic liquid fert 3-4-3...
  6. dsnell21

    trying to fix them newbie in trouble

    posted this for help the other day as you can see i was told my prob was nute burn. i hate to disagree but i did a nute test on remaining plants and results were that my n is super low my p was med and my k is low. i bought a new ph tester and results of that was 5.5 i know thats low could...
  7. dsnell21

    trying to fix them newbie in trouble

    temps get around 90 and the soil im using is a organic mix from a local nursery there wasnt a npk content on the ba but the prob started before i added nutes in the first place. i then waited a week and they seemed to get worse thats when i asked some ?s here and was told nute burn and under...
  8. dsnell21

    trying to fix them newbie in trouble

    my bad on the grammar but im using a tablet its not the easiest thing to type on. i will put pics of the envr. tom. i have two fans a 20000 lumen 6500 k t5 fluor. grow light and as i said before its an attic like any other you may have seen before
  9. dsnell21

    trying to fix them newbie in trouble

    in a attic going to move them outside whem healthy gets hot any advice for cooling room
  10. dsnell21

    trying to fix them newbie in trouble

    no but they arent far from it well i got rid of all nutes now so will they recover i think they were overheated under watered thats why added perlite and alot od it
  11. dsnell21

    trying to fix them newbie in trouble

    went from around 20 to 6 plants added perlite got rid of nutes raised light bought some liquid fert to add later any other advice?
  12. dsnell21

    please help

    thanks ill try it i just dont understand they were doing good now they look like shit and i have no answer for whats going on the temp stays around 90 or so and my light is like 8 in away
  13. dsnell21

    please help

    i have 3 fans surrounding them and i just added the nutes this morn ph 6.7
  14. dsnell21

    please help

    i have about 20 plants under a flouro grow light 20000 lumen just added nutes bone and blood meal my soil drys out real fast watering every day or two temps are high they are in the attic no choice on that the bottom leaves look like they shriviling up idk need any help offered
  15. dsnell21

    please help

    what do fungus knats look like cuz there are some knat looking things flying around and how can i rid them?
  16. dsnell21

    please help

    thank you pimpin will do
  17. dsnell21

    please help

    yeah stop putting stuff up your butt you will be fine
  18. dsnell21

    please help

    pretty sure i have a job and none of the others look like that and been that way for a couple days i only check the plants once or twice a day but thanx for not shit good looking out
  19. dsnell21

    please help

    the leaves on two of my 9 day old plants look like a m any thoughts?