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  1. T

    The French Cannoli` Hash Thread

    Frenchy thank you for sharing your experience and information. Everyone in this thread is going to be able to make very high quality hash!
  2. T

    collective growing

    Your question is really vague, there are many determining factors when it comes to how you can grow collectively. Are talking room mates, stacking recommendations, caregiver, or actually forming a co op on paper and having members? If not the last two I would only have your limits, 12 or 6, and...
  3. T

    Caregiver in california help please

    You would contact your county department of health services, most likely, and they should have a whole process for you to go through. Such as submitting medical records, contact your recomending doctor, and fill out paper work. I don't believe caregiver status is submitted to the state like the...