Search results

  1. C

    check this out

    It sucks, but that is life. Now you can move on and find someone who likes you for who you are.
  2. C

    Taking a break from smoking but not growing.

    I lost the best job I ever had due to a drug test which lead me to my own business so thanks mary!
  3. C

    LSTing with 12/12 from Seed?

    Yes mate it is worth it, especially on sativa doms.
  4. C

    Bushy Bushy Garden. LST'D to the maxxx. BUDDINGGG

    my phone got water damage.
  5. C

    What should I do if my clones aren't taking?

    You do not describe their appearance or problems, just that they are dying. However I would definitely call this guy and explain the situation.
  6. C

    Question about seed search engines.

    From where Afghanistan borders Uzbekistan.
  7. C

    lumens vs watts ?

    Its a 100watts bulb but only uses 23 watts. Lumens are 1600.