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    GHS Kalashnikova+bagseed roots organic soil first grow. Take a look

    klashnikova day 26 from germ. gave her hes first dose of nutes yesterday. soul synthetics grow 5 ml and a couple drops of superthrive like always and the water was at 6.5. still seeing new set of leaves daily and shes stackig pretty tight. cAnt wait to see what she looks like in flower.
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    GHS Kalashnikova+bagseed roots organic soil first grow. Take a look

    "I also found that the plants burst into faster growth right after I transplanted them, which I did really early, besides there's the talk about avoiding stressing your plants around 3rd to 4th week to incrase chance of a female plant, so you may wanna transplant early rather than later." some...
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    SpaceBuddha's Indoor Grow: ww, ice, crystal, great white...

    Upp upp and away boyo!
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    Plants stretched due to poor light...question.

    Try ramp the hydroton up around the stem a little n if not he need to support it some how and get a nice breeze blowing on it to thicken the stems up.
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    Plants stretched due to poor light...question.

    are the seedlings in the bubble buckets now?
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    1lung 1000w multi strain

    Along for the ride bud
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    SpaceBuddha's Indoor Grow: ww, ice, crystal, great white...

    Looking good bud, I can only imagine how much bigger these things are gonna get during flower :bigjoint:
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    GHS Kalashnikova+bagseed roots organic soil first grow. Take a look

    Debating on topping the klashnikova
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    GHS Kalashnikova+bagseed roots organic soil first grow. Take a look

    Anyone got any info on that black bottle that says amino treatment sample? Or how the soul synthetics works w the roots organic soil ?
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    GHS Kalashnikova+bagseed roots organic soil first grow. Take a look

    I love how the asshole who makes a post to ask how to get clones if he's doesn't live in a medical state gets like 10 negative replies in a hour just because of how stupid he is. spacebuddha thanks my hps is about 8 inches away from top of tallest plant. I got the seed from attitude it's from...
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    can this be done without a problem?

    He said its in a pot
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    Help!!! Need to keep temp down!!!

    Air conditioner lol
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    GHS Kalashnikova+bagseed roots organic soil first grow. Take a look

    If I had a penny for every view....
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    GHS Kalashnikova+bagseed roots organic soil first grow. Take a look

    Damn sorry for the run along rant I know it's tough to read with no spaces.. Will get some pics of my tent tomorrow. Gn all
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    GHS Kalashnikova+bagseed roots organic soil first grow. Take a look

    Hello all Green house seed Kalashnikova Germed march 19th via moist paper towel in plastic tubber ware and left on top of my cable box. seed popped next day moved to rapid rooter in a tray under "50 watt lamp". sprayed rapid rooter 3-4 times daily or as I seen fit. Within 2 days i had my...
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    dwc exodus kush grow

    When did you start your nutes? And when did you up the nutes? Looks amazing bud
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    First post/dwc grow. Do I have a triploid? Plants light green 1 week in

    Thanks for the advice.ive bin reading so much about ph that I forgot I really didn't need to maintain it at the start lol. Before I put them in the buckets my taproots were nearly an inch out of rockwool, but still no signs of roots as I think I have my rockwool higher in my netpot then I...
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    First post/dwc grow. Do I have a triploid? Plants light green 1 week in

    That first pic looks pretty bad ass lol with the light and all
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    First post/dwc grow. Do I have a triploid? Plants light green 1 week in

    ah thank you someone took a second to take a look. dbkick the cotyledons are nearly all yellow and my second set of true leves are there but very tiny. Tips of first true leaves are a slight yellow. Time for 1/4 strength nutes? Opinions anyone?
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    First post/dwc grow. Do I have a triploid? Plants light green 1 week in

    My tap water has a ph of 7. So don't adjust it down to 5.8-6.0....? the hps is about 3 feet away