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  1. S

    My first cfl grow.

    Look into buying two 100 watt or 200 watt CFL's. Bro they help so much! :)
  2. S

    A Simple Question on My Ideal Lighting Setup

    I'm using two 100 watt CFL's for 1 plant. You could buy a pack at your local, Home Depot or Lowe's I think the pack comes with like 4 bulbs for like 25$. A pack is like 400 watt CFL's. Might want to buy 2 pack if you got the cash. It all depends what kinda of bud your gonna grow.
  3. S

    400w HPS Fruity Chronic Juice & Critical Kush SCRog Grow

    How's the grow coming? :)
  4. S

    First Time Growing

    Yeah it's 160 watt incandescent light bulbs. But it's not dank since this is my first time growing I'm trying to experiment a bit. See what grows good and what doesn't. And no I started today I planted the seedlings in the 2x3 pot about 2 hours ago. I will 18/6 for 30 days then 12/12 for about 2...
  5. S

    My first indoor AND CFL grow

    Is that just one female?
  6. S

    First Time Growing

    Yeah I was thinking 30 days for 24/0 but if ypou suggest 18/6 I'll try that out. Water every week one time correct? How much water by the way? I was thinking like 4 - 5 sprays.
  7. S

    First Time Growing

    I'm waiting about 7 hours to get the CFL's what should I do at the moment? I have them in a 2x3 inch pot with 160 watt incandescent bulbs. Should I put the three seeds back in the bag with water until I get the CFL's or what? I'm not sure. I've never grew before but I got the idea I been looking...
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    First Time Growing

    I'd appreciate that if he did. ALOT. Lmao. :weed:
  9. S

    First Time Growing

    Honestly, how long do you think I should veg? I was thinkin 24/0 for 2 days but I dont think that would get me much considering you vegged for 30 days and got over 10 oz.
  10. S

    First Time Growing

    I'm actually going to get some CFL's soon. I'm getting 2 100 watt CFL's. :) I have the fan blowing air around and out the door through the window once I get the CFL's I'm going to do a 24/0 for 2 days. How big do you think the plant will get if I ndo 24/0 for 2 days and then 12/12 for the rest...
  11. S

    First Time Growing

    It doesn't have much smell since it isn't dank but I could open the door and window? Considering plants need air. I'm just worried a mist bottle won't be enough water. I will add a picture in a second.
  12. S

    First Time Growing

    It doesn't have much smell since it isn't dank but I could open the door and window? Considering plants need air. I'm just worried a mist bottle won't be enough water.
  13. S

    First Time Growing

    Now I got 160 watt incandescent bulbs. I am covering the pot with plastic wrap for a condensation type thing. Would 160 watt work? If not I'll try to get CFL's.
  14. S

    First Time Growing

    Thanks man, I actually just bought like 2 2x3 inch pots to put them in. Also some new soil. Thanks for the tips. Will do. EDIT: I wiill probably do veg for a day or two. 24/0 I don't know if it will work. Hopefully it will. After the first couple days I'll start 12/12 just to keep them small...
  15. S

    First Time Growing

    Day 1 Since this is my first time growing. I got some shit seed lol. Just to experiment I'm going to grow those. Noting: Seeds have germinated and I have moved them into a 2x3 inch pot with organic basic soil. Put seeds in about an inch in the soil and put water in with it. Got 160 watt...