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  1. I

    How many cxa3070 for a 4x4' tent?

    Damn that many?? was thinking I could get away with 8
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    How many cxa3070 for a 4x4' tent?

    I'm doing a 4x4' grow tent... And wondering how many cxa I need to get good coverage and light...
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    Flowering with Cree bulbs

    I bought one of these bulbs today to replace a cfl in my room and these things are alot brighter then cfls.. been thinking of switching all of my cfls for these..
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    Grow Project : Sun_burns Every Summer !

    thanks for the info... I'll make another cat4101 driver so i can show ya what they look like... but glad the recoms dont heat up as harsh as the cat 4101 i had premade boards.. i run crees on the reefing setups and they run outrageous current they're made for reef designing but yeah i can see...
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    Grow Project : Sun_burns Every Summer !

    pretty awesome diy ya got there.. with those drivers do they get hot?? i'm using cat4101's and they get a little hot... i have to put ram heatsinks on them to dissipate the heat.. Are those still the recom's your using??
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    LED DIY : Making of a "DJ SET "-style grow led light .

    SDS what are the model numbers and bin for the oslon ww and 660nm did you use for your build?? amybe i missed it during the reading but i'm about to build one as well.. I've been building reef leds so this is a walk in the park just was trying to find the right spectrum.. also you prefer these...