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  1. MLS007

    Purple Haze - 4x4 tent - LED - Soil

    Well folks my journey has come to an end. I loaded up the soil with nutes and put the lights close. When I came to check in the morning everything was completely shrivelled up and dead. I am putting my grow skills on hold for now. Its just too much work.
  2. MLS007

    Purple Haze - 4x4 tent - LED - Soil

    Day 20 I have made a bold move today and I am nervous. I FIMmed and topped all my plants. This was very tough for me to do but I am hoping that I can keep the plants bushy versus tall. I am limited with the height and pot size in the grow tent. All my plants have 4 to 5 nodes except for the...
  3. MLS007

    Purple Haze - 4x4 tent - LED - Soil

    Day 19 Well things seem to be going on track so far. I have turned on two 200w LEDs hanging them at 21" above the tallest leaves. Still going at 18/6. I have only been watering with water at a PH of 6. Picked up a digital PH reader and it very accurate. I still have 15 plants going. I...
  4. MLS007

    Northern Lights and Boss Hog 600 W Indoor grow!

    I am about 5 days behind you. How much light are you giving these seedlings? Or are they in veg state?
  5. MLS007

    Purple Haze - 4x4 tent - LED - Soil

    Well its day 15. I watered my babies after four days. The two mystery seeds are still tiny and I may get rid of them soon. The remaining 13 are all in good shape. The ones with the burnt leaf tips and yellow patches seem to have overcome those problems and the new leaves look healthy. I...
  6. MLS007

    Purple Haze - 4x4 tent - LED - Soil

    Its day 9 and nothing much to report. I have switched to a single 90w LED. I initially was growing out of transparent 3.5" containers. I changed to black plastic soft containers that are 4.5". I noticed that the plants were already outgrowing the transparent containers and I read that roots...
  7. MLS007

    135W LED Closet Grow - 2 X DP Think Different Auto, 2 X Dinafem Moby Dick Auto

    Quick question. How much lighting do you use for the seedling phase. How much lighting for the vegetative phase.
  8. MLS007

    Purple Haze - 4x4 tent - LED - Soil

    Thanks again folks. I am following the advice of you all. I have scaled the lights back to one 90w LED. I am also watering the plant much less. I believe in addition to nute burn I was giving it too much light and too much water. All the basic no no's for newbies. Also my Ph is high at...
  9. MLS007

    Purple Haze - 4x4 tent - LED - Soil

    I have turned off the two 200w LEDs and just kept on the 90w LED. Its a lot darker but I will give it a try. I think those mystery seeds may have leaves that got baked. The temperature in my tent runs from about 26 - 28.5 degrees celsius. What do you think about the yellow leaves? Just ride...
  10. MLS007

    Purple Haze - 4x4 tent - LED - Soil

    Well its day 8 and some of my babies are doing well and a few others not so well. I have further adjusted my lights. I turned off the 90w LED and now I am running just the two 200w LEDs. I have also raised them higher two just over two feet high. I think that my babies were starting to get...
  11. MLS007

    4X4 LED question yet again. How much is enough?

    The cheap ones work just fine. No need to shell out3 times the price. The LED life, fan effectiveness and drivers are just fine.
  12. MLS007

    Purple Haze - 4x4 tent - LED - Soil

    Well its Day 6. My latest 200W led arrived. Its the same as the other one I have that seems to be working well. I have included some pictures of my setup. I have the LEDs at 14" and may raise or lower it depending on how things go. I am using the light meter on the cheap 3 in 1 and all...
  13. MLS007

    4X4 LED question yet again. How much is enough?

    Thank you so much for these comments. You cannot imagine the pains I have searched the internet for these answers. Hope it goes good. I talked to the LED factory and they told me that the 200w is the adjusted real 200w I plan on getting some of the Apollo either of the two below: The...
  14. MLS007

    4X4 LED question yet again. How much is enough?

    I need to ask a question and I have searched all over the net and can't find a definite answer. I have a 4x4 grow tent. I am using LEDs but I am not sure if I have enough lights. For right now its okay as I am just in the seedling phase. I am growing 15 seedlings. My expectations are that a few...
  15. MLS007

    Purple Haze - 4x4 tent - LED - Soil

    Well its a day later and the yellow is still on the leaves but has not progressed further. The second sets of leaves are appearing on most of my seedlings. I have included some photos and you can see a bit of the yellow on the tips. I wont water for another two days as I soaked the pots when...
  16. MLS007


    I have some yellow spots on the tips of some of my 5 day old seedlings. I flushed all the pots with water because I heard it might be from nute burn.
  17. MLS007

    Purple Haze - 4x4 tent - LED - Soil

    . I actually put the worm castings a few days ago on a small pile around the stem. I have flushed everything with water and made a huge mess at home. I have also lowered my lights since that wasn't the issue. Lets keep our fingers crossed.
  18. MLS007

    Purple Haze - 4x4 tent - LED - Soil

    I put something together myself using some soil, worm castings, sand and perlite
  19. MLS007

    Purple Haze - 4x4 tent - LED - Soil

    All right folks I have run into my first problem. There are yellow patches on the tips of some of my leaves. I have included a photo below. From what I have read my LEDs maybe too close as I did lower the lights by a few inches yesterday. I have raised the LEDs to 15" above the leaves. I...
  20. MLS007

    I have some questions on your Atomic Haze grow. Do you remember after germinating if the...

    I have some questions on your Atomic Haze grow. Do you remember after germinating if the seedlings were very long and stretched out. My seedlings are around 2-3 inches long.