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  1. O

    Any use for this?

    haha no one of my roomates went into my room and found it. said if I didnt get rid of it then he was calling the cops so dont have much of a choice i guess...can't afford rent by myself.
  2. O

    Any use for this?

    Don't see any trichs with the naked eye. Will this still work? Would there be any use planting it in the woods somewhere?
  3. O

    Any use for this?

    So my grow got busted and I'm about 2 weeks into flower. Have lots of white hairs and can see where all my bud sites would have formed. Plant unfortunately has to go but wondering if there is any use for the plant or if its just trash.
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    4-5 weeks flowering Kinda worried

    oh ...... and invest in a pH meter or at least something to find out what your pH is at and consider doing a flush.
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    4-5 weeks flowering Kinda worried

    I'm experiencing very similar symptoms on a very similar looking strain (mine is unknown strain) at about a week into flowering. I am guessing from what you have said that your situation is similar to mine in that you used more nutes and molasses since entering flowering which has caused a...
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    issues with soil grow

    going tomorrow to the store to find a soil and a way to test ph. I think i am going to try transplanting it so should i transplant then flush or flush, let dry out, then transplant? The new soil wont have any time release nutes but the current soil does. probably going to use clearex from...
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    issues with soil grow

    would this be similar Bigby? Since I use molasses and will be using colored ferts later on would the pH indicator liquid be of any use due to the color? also does anyone know of a good soil that is fairly mild?
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    issues with soil grow

    Yeah I figured that it is a pH problem and I am going to get at least some litmus strips in the next day or two if not a digital pH meter. I didn't realize how bad the time release pellets in my soil were until it was too late. The plant did great in veg for about 4-5 weeks with just one...
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    issues with soil grow

    I have also had some issues with leaves being just a little droopy and the fan leave stems are more red than before but not near the tops. Not under watered but maybe clogged soil. Also any thoughts on Botanicare Clearex or a similar solution?
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    issues with soil grow

    So I'm on day 7 of flower and have had some foil age problems recently. I have had some rust spots, yellowing with some lime green splotchiness, and withering of lower fan leaves. I also in the past day or 2 have noticed some clawing of my top new growth which is also dark green. I have done...