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  1. gillysbay420

    Hash Questions?

    Ok so I have grounded up all my trimmings from my plants and everything has been drying for about a week. The trimmings are definitely ready to make hash. The question is how? I know the bubble bags are amazing but screw spending anymore money. Whats a quick but efficient method? Thanks...
  2. gillysbay420


    Nice nice. Your temp is perfect. Keep it up man.
  3. gillysbay420


    That's just about how big our buds were before customs spooked us into tearing down the room. Ohh and how close is your light to your plants and what is the temp of room?
  4. gillysbay420

    cleaning my bong

    Try vinegar and water. Vinegar will smell so make sure you wash it out with soap afterwards. 420 solution>??
  5. gillysbay420

    answer a question with a question

    Don't you think Lil Wayne should be acquitted of all charges?
  6. gillysbay420

    How long do you veg?

    People start flowering at all different times. Basically get your plants where they can grow 3x as much when you start to flower. EX- 1 foot plant should be about 3 when done flowering. Try the 36hr dark period before starting 12/12. It helps immensely.
  7. gillysbay420

    430w Grow Update

    Looking good man ;P