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  1. S

    Need some advice!!!

    all i would is if the plant is in a plastic pott I would drill a hole at the top and i would tie a string to the top of the plant about 3 inchs down on the stem and then put the string through the hole you drilled in the pott and just pull down a little bit and it will start growing down and...
  2. S

    can female clones be polinated

    I asked a quastion earlier about if a femal clone could be polinated and i got a answer of yes they could be polinated if they were in veg--- my quastion now is what if the clones are all ready in full flower. thank you
  3. S

    can a female clone be polinated by a male plant

    what if the female clones are in flower all ready
  4. S

    can a female clone be polinated by a male plant

    can a female clone be polinated by a male plant.
  5. S

    seelings about to sex plant need info

    let me ask can a clone be polinated
  6. S

    seelings about to sex plant need info

    I wanted to know if a male plant can turn a female clone into a male. any info would be great, thanks
  7. S

    hey i was looking at your messages about the aqua mist system and you had said you have plans or...

    hey i was looking at your messages about the aqua mist system and you had said you have plans or specs to build your own aqua mist system and all so a supplier to buy every thing to build your own system im very interested in puting some of these aqua mist systems together could you please help...