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  1. N

    Plants in bad soil?!

    Cops generally do DNA testing when someone has been murdered; not when someone is growing five or six pot plants in the woods.
  2. N

    Closet growing project... with a timelimit!

    Yeah, I'm not looking to make any money or produce "dank bud" or anything... this is more just for fun. =) Yeah, I was planning on buying T5 tubes, as I had heard T12's were trash for growing. Thanks for your advice. =)
  3. N

    Noob needs sexing advise on first CFL grow

    I'm no expert, but I see what looks like "balls" ... sounds like a male to me. =/
  4. N

    Day #48 Flowering PICS LOOK!!!!!!

    Pretty, pretty!
  5. N

    Closet growing project... with a timelimit!

    And would it be a good idea to use a single 70 watt HPS? i don't have ventilation, so I'm not sure that is a possibility.
  6. N

    Closet growing project... with a timelimit!

    So I have about 13 weeks on my hands before I go to school and I want to do a little marijuana growing in my closet. First off... is this enough time? I'm working with 2' x 2' x 6' (WxDxH) space with in a white-walled closet. The plan is to grow between 4-6 plants using two 2' cool white...