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  1. Evelyn

    seed problems... please help!

    I've been trying to get my seeds popping, but as soon as the root appears, the seed dies. either the root wilts, or seems to get cut by something. damping off seems to be one culprit, maybe my seeds are the source of the fungus. does anyone have a good/safe way of cleaning seeds? I was thinking...
  2. Evelyn

    Scott Walker...F##K Yeah why would you want Walker in any position of power? he is completely against cannabis... talk about people voting against their own best interests... :(
  3. Evelyn

    Best LED's for 2013

    would anyone like to share their top 10 (or whatever) list of LED lights/LED light manufacturer? it's a bit confusing right now knowing which LED companies have the best products thanx! ...Eve
  4. Evelyn

    New seedlings dying after sprout, what am I doing wrong?

    a pair of safety glasses would be a good idea. it'll prevent you from inadvertantly getting chemicals and other nasty stuff in your eyes... way cheaper than an eye doc visit.
  5. Evelyn

    Group mind experiment, anyone?

    some of the more famous "Group mind experiments" came about when legendary late night talk show host Art Bell suggested some experiments with his listening audience. one experiment was to bring rain to drought regions, and another to change the path of a hurricane! the experiments were...
  6. Evelyn

    Do not smoke marijuana in excess, It can cause cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome

    get your GI tract back in balance before blaming cannabis... try drinking pro-biotic kefir products (like "Evolve"), which will help immensely. also, stay away from synthetic sugars of all kinds, especially aspartame which breaks down in your gut into toxic byproducts. if you're a low cal tonic...
  7. Evelyn

    Group mind experiment, anyone?

    I'm going to be setting up a "group mind" experiment concerning the legalization of cannabis... group mind experiments are joint endeavors of many people who, thru imagination and intent alone, can manifest physical changes far beyond the scope of what is usually considered "normal". if...
  8. Evelyn

    Any reputable seed companies in the U.S. ??

    thanx for the tip, seems that international shopping is the way to go... just out of curiosity, as you are someone who is really into this (17000 posts!) i'd love to ask you a question or two... have you been noticing changes in the whole cannabis culture mindset lately? it seems to me that...
  9. Evelyn

    Any reputable seed companies in the U.S. ??

    thanx racerboy. i guess for the time being it's trying to score a black market seed or two from friends... which is a complete shot in the dark as who knows what the heck your getting god does this suck! ..Eve
  10. Evelyn

    Any reputable seed companies in the U.S. ??

    I've noticed that most of the seed companies are european... can someone recommend a good U.S. company ??? sorry if this question has been asked a zillion times already! ...Eve
  11. Evelyn

    And the lie continues: Medical benefits of marijuana still hazy - U.S. court

    guilty until proven innocent... can you imagine what it would be if they applied that rule to everything we consumed?
  12. Evelyn

    Hawaii Growers

    Hawaii Lawmakers to Debate Marijuana Legalization Friday... HONOLULU, HI — Members of Hawaii’s House Judicary Committee will hear testimony Friday regarding House Bill 699, one of two bills filed this year that seek to legalize the commercial production, sale, and use of...