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  1. S

    First Indoor Grow

    Here are a few updated photos for the better plant. The other is still on its way, just seems to be slower. I love zooming in on these photos.
  2. S

    newbie grower here...need feedback!!! first grow

    I would say you are definetly stretching. If you stick your hand under your lamp, do you feel heat? and for how far? I usually go about an inch above from where the heat hits the back of my hand... Try and bring your light a bit closer if you can.
  3. S

    First Indoor Grow

    It's been a while... sometimes life keeps you busy. However thought I'd throw a few new pics in the mix... Been on 12's for about 18 days. Full Servings of FF Big Bloom and Tiger Bloom. 5 Gallon soft sided "bags". Ocean Forest Soil... 400 watt MH. Had some yellowing, but got it under control...
  4. S

    Slight discoloration.

    My tiger bloom says 2-3 tsp (teaspoons) per gallon, and I used 1??
  5. S

    Slight discoloration.

    Not sure if this is the sign of worse things to come, so I'm bringing it to the experts. These appeared after my first nute feeding. 5 weeks in, as they sit in Fox Farm Ocean Forrest, I fed them 1TBSP Big Bloom (Fox Farm), and 1TSP Tiger Bloom (Fox Farm) against 1 gal of water. I went light...
  6. S

    First Indoor Grow

    Should I top each end? Would that prove for a better yield in the end?
  7. S

    First Indoor Grow

    I did my first fertilizer feed today. 1 tbsp Fox Farms Big Bloom, 1 tsp Fox Farm Tiger Bloom to a gallon of water. The plants soaked it up, and I let it drip out the bottom of the containers so I knew it was watered enough. Plant 1 Plant 2 This is a spot that I'm a little concerned about...
  8. S

    First Indoor Grow

    Yes, I just do my best not to over water. If the water starts to drain, I place containers underthem to catch. I don't wanna drown em though, so maybe I'm even underwatering?
  9. S

    First Indoor Grow

    The hood on my lamp is pretty big... So my vertical might be close to 4.5 - 5ft. I have been in 18/6 for maybe 4 weeks now? I'll let them get as big as possible, except I'd like to get them wider as well. I must have misunderstood supercropping, and have not done this technique, so maybe I'll...
  10. S

    First Indoor Grow

    I do believe I'm gonna go with Fox Farms Nutes. Big Bloom, Grow Big, and Tiger Bloom. I think following this chart maybe? Hotrod, you suggest nutes, water, water... I typically water when the dirt is dry (stick a finger in slighty...
  11. S

    First Indoor Grow

    I received two small started plants at the beginning of January. They were in tiny containers, and had sprouted. I started them with CFL's but then switched to a 400watt MH. They are currently in a closet and im assuming it isnt very reflective, or could be better. They are coming along...