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  1. R

    More pics before harvest

    tried big bud and got same results - looks impressive but yeild was dissapointing which im sure yours was on size of plants - try greenhouse white widow flowering at 12 " - jeeez these babies are a 6 weeker and 1 1//2 ounces dry - 12 plants under 600 hps - tell me what plant you can get 18 dry...
  2. R

    Pics of my plant help please

    and if its not male - the leccy to feed the gangly twat will NOT - DEFFO NOT - pay for any yeild - bin it and start again with good stock and more research!
  3. R

    Pics of my plant help please

    i'll put money on that plant being male!
  4. R

    Can someone with wisdom answer this please

    think about it - you can get rid of ounces straight away for x amount -or you get pissy little turds turning up or phoning you for pissy grams - what do you do - the more turds that turn up at the door the bigger the risk so the higher the price - if your growin - you dont wanna be a seller -...
  5. R

    Flushing Question

    this grow doesnt look good to be quite honest , espesh if your near cropping- i know its your first grow in hydro but if your results were worse in soil i would be worried about your set up!
  6. R

    what ya guys think

    dont worry - if they aint ready and cured by xmas youve got one hell ov a long flowerering plant!!!!!