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  1. Gbusandthedisciples

    purple maxxx?

    one last bump
  2. Gbusandthedisciples

    purple maxxx?

    Just seeing what people had to say about purple maxxx, I was givena bottle and it smells like rubbing alcohol, so as you can imagine I am not sure I want to dump it in my res. but there other products seem to be good stuff.....
  3. Gbusandthedisciples

    drying with rice

    you mean you saw me doing that too :sad: the marbles may make it hard for air to move around but, it is always worth a try
  4. Gbusandthedisciples

    drying with rice

    I have used them for a number of things, including making my own carbon filter, but I always get some strange looks when I buy them. :dunce:
  5. Gbusandthedisciples

    your paying with the wrong green

    Cops: Man tries to pay for fast food meal with pot Email this Story Oct 13, 8:14 PM (ET) p {margin:12px 0px 0px 0px;} VERO BEACH, Fla. (AP) - A McDonald's cashier called 911 after a Vero Beach drive-thru customer allegedly offered to pay for his meal with marijuana. The Indian River...
  6. Gbusandthedisciples

    drying with rice

    maybe use wax paper to keep rice/plant separate from each other
  7. Gbusandthedisciples

    Help, plants falling dead at "night"?

    I dig the coco fiber it is ph balanced and good for the environment. It also can be tilled into other gardens when your done to help airate (sp?) the soil. Hydroton is good stuff to and your right it probably would be the same as what your using now. With coco fiber I would recomend flooding...
  8. Gbusandthedisciples

    Help, plants falling dead at "night"?

    you can flood a number of times through the day to keep roots wet, you just need a period they can get air also. Is the tire mulch stuff absorbent at all? and how many times are you flooding a day? If it is only twice bump it up to four times....of course it depends how long it is flooding for...
  9. Gbusandthedisciples

    Dutch master liquid light penetrator question

    once they are getting regular nutes I find I can hit them with dutchmaster also
  10. Gbusandthedisciples

    Magnesium def., recommend some nutes please?

    you can also look at calmag or magical
  11. Gbusandthedisciples

    What Nutes do you use?!

    you can use hollands secret's chart for gh but i found that hs had less ph fluctuations :peace:
  12. Gbusandthedisciples

    drying with rice

    I am going to keep an eye on this to see how it goes
  13. Gbusandthedisciples

    Hey Everyone From Charlotte, NC!

    used to live that way but not anymore, they have alot of good stuff going on that way. I am sure you will find plenty of people to hang with. Hit up the area around central ave.
  14. Gbusandthedisciples

    the smell of herb

    sure it wasn't something stuffed in a tire and smuggled around? Something top line like that shouldn't be smell like that though
  15. Gbusandthedisciples

    A good laugh for the cat lovers

    I do the same thing, keeps mine from eating the other plants, he still digs spider plants for some reason though
  16. Gbusandthedisciples

    A good laugh for the cat lovers

    man some cat lovers are nuts so it wouldn't surprise me if people did, I bet if they are selling it to stores in cali they would be eating it up as a novelty. It would be funny to sneak it in a case at a medical dispensary
  17. Gbusandthedisciples

    A good laugh for the cat lovers

    go check this out for a good laugh on medical catabis Catabis I think I will have to get mine some chicken haze
  18. Gbusandthedisciples

    If you had 2 wishes ?

    I am not sure we can have world peace but maybe some world tolerance and to free our plant
  19. Gbusandthedisciples

    check out todays pickup!

    ohhhh I think I tasted some eggs and milk...and I think some cinnamon
  20. Gbusandthedisciples

    What Nutes do you use?!

    holland secret is the way to go in hydro, set your ph at the beginning of the week and it stays there, also a ton cheaper than advance nutrients..... anyway haven't you learned not to believe everything on tv.......