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  1. S

    Ph problems

    hey guys im trying to figure out how to reply properly bear with me LOL
  2. S

    Ph problems

    No ive been told that could be my problem ! But they are looking to good at the moment to mess with ......? i can some times only get to my room every 2nd day and i leave the Ph @ bout 5.5 when i leave and 2 days later it can be as high as 7.6? . But like i said im just worried because even...
  3. S

    Ph problems

    yeah my town water is 7.2 , that why im cofused LOL
  4. S

    Ph problems

    so thats along with your normal nutes yeah ?
  5. S

    Ph problems

    Ok so there getting nutes now and not lookin to bad (bout 30cm from clones been under lites(600w) for bout 3 weeks) and you reckon just water the buggers ? Its so hard to know as newbie because ive heard both storys , Person 1 says , must have Ph between 5.5 and 6.2 then person 2 tells me that...
  6. S

    Ph problems

    Yeah got Ph up and down ,just seem to be using SHITLOADS of the stuff....? is that good for the girls
  7. S

    Ph problems

    New grower here, im growing in rockwool and having probs keeping my Ph down , girls growing at location 20 mins from home so only get there every 2nd day and ph has usually gone from 5.8 to 7.2 . Any ideas to help? :-?
  8. S

    Ph problems

    Newto growing and im using rockwool and im having major probs trying to keep Ph down ,and im using quite a Bit of Ph down .Will this hurt my girls at all?:? Any suggestions on getting Ph to stay down ???
  9. S

    What's the best medium to use in a flood and drain system?

    Im having major probs with high Ph using rockwool, any suggestions?