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  1. CannAssist

    autos vs photo for cash crop

    AK-47 I believe is more Sativa dominate. I supercrop my AK which keeps the height in check but you can find a faster finishing Indica that will stay shorter naturally, maybe Agent Orange? Best Wishes C
  2. CannAssist

    3 1/2 Month old plants.. Starting to give up?

    I would guess between the fan and 2 day watering cycle that your baby needs a drink, sticking a finger into the soil 1/2" test for dryness and you should be picking up each individual pot to feel its weight, I water my girls by feeling how heavy the pot/container is, after a while you can get...
  3. CannAssist

    Who keeps a mother plant and if so why?

    Topfuel Any issues when dealing with only fem seeds? Seems I read from some of the breeders saying things like reduced performance from fem seeds. Any experience with this or other neg. traits? C
  4. CannAssist

    Who keeps a mother plant and if so why?

    Ya kinda like the Chicken/Egg thingy. All starts with a seed but I have clone stock that is many generations old if you will by taking cuttings from clones which are cuttings unless and only if they came from the original seed started mother. So is she a mother or is she just a clone? Me thinks...
  5. CannAssist

    this years grow..24 oz cans..back to 16 oz cans

    Jammin info Aftershock, :clap: looks like its working well for ya. Amazing what others are having success with but of course we are dealing with an AMAZING weed! Keep it coming. C
  6. CannAssist

    1st time grow HELLP PLZ!!!!!

    Were they droopy before using your HPS? If not I would guess the light caused. Overwatering? Or just a hard time of it for lack of light. Super cropping could help with height issues if your girl is healthy enough to do this to. Mo Light is probably the answer... C
  7. CannAssist

    Am I over or underwatering my clones? Or is it something else?

    untitleblue Looks dry to me. Watch out on the Ocean/Forest it might be a bit hot to put cutting into, I use it but dilute it 50/50 with something like the Light Warrior seedling mix. Maybe put a cover over all your clones until you get a better root system going, be sure to remove the dome once...
  8. CannAssist

    Welcome New Members!

    Bondutch Look into Mandala strains, great grows both indoors and out. Good pricing... CA