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  1. pigpen

    Zeus' 1400w Canadian Basement

    IMO A pump failure is not a mistake just bad luck =) keep growing strong
  2. pigpen

    2000Watt DP-Blue Berry perpetual SOG grow

    Hey guys I just wanted to let every one know that Botanicare is sending out samples of there new product SWEET GRAPE. THere is a a forum for this is the general growing section. Just wanted people to know it was legit and I got my free sample in 5 days from sending an email kinda SWEET if u ask...
  3. pigpen

    2000Watt DP-Blue Berry perpetual SOG grow

    Well yesterday I took 45 clones and Put them into my home made aero cloner. They are looking good with no wilting. I did not use any clonign gels or rooting powder this time. just straight Clonex cloning solution. Only problem is when using 25Gallons it takes a whole bottle and that shit is not...
  4. pigpen

    cloning solution as afoliar spray?

    Yaa you just have to be very carefull with it because it contains some powerfull horamones.
  5. pigpen

    Zeus' 1400w Canadian Basement

    Hey spruse I have been to this jornal a dozen times just never knew new it was you. I was just about to warn you about mold on your rinos. My crystals got a mold in the upper middle part of the but that I could not even see until cut down time. I have a feeling that since the crystal and rinos...
  6. pigpen

    2000Watt DP-Blue Berry perpetual SOG grow

    Hey spruce thanks for stoping by. That Whit Rino does look amazing. Pictures are more than welcome do you have any more? My 1st grow was nirvana crystal and those plants where exactle like the name with crystals all over them. Nirvana puts out some good stuff at a great price that is for sure...
  7. pigpen

    SoG Grow Room Discussion

    Hey guys I just got my new SOG perpetual room going and could really use some help from EXP growers. 1st question is the strain I have is Dutch Passion BB is any good for SOG? Here is the link
  8. pigpen

    2000Watt DP-Blue Berry perpetual SOG grow

    Hey liquid Thanks for stoping by. Yes it is a portable AC and it works very well. Has a tray at the bottom where you just push a button and it drains where ever you want. I cant tell you how much it was or where it was purchased because It was my room mates that never used it so he gave it 2...
  9. pigpen

    cloning solution as afoliar spray?

    Yaa what Cloning solution are you using? I use clonex solution in a aeroponic 72 sight home made. I am interested if a cloning foiler spray would work. I use Dutchmasters penetrator and folitech on them because it helps reduce stress and we all know that cloning is the most stressfull time for...
  10. pigpen

    2000Watt DP-Blue Berry perpetual SOG grow

    I really really want to add 2 diff Purples to my mother's What can you guys think would work. It needs to be 8weeks or less and a strain the likes to be SOG
  11. pigpen

    Gypsy's Picture Depot

    Hey Gypsy I got My 1st Sog op going and would love it if you could help me through my 1st harvest because this is my 1st time growing Perpetual and SOG. Hope everything is going great for you. Here is a link to my GJ...
  12. pigpen

    2000Watt DP-Blue Berry perpetual SOG grow

    Hey Guys And Welcome to My 2nd Grow but My 1st big and perpetual grow. Every one is welcome to post here as long as it pertains to my or your grow or have any questions to ask that is fine.:weed: For this grow I will be starting with 3 BB mothers and a 72 Cloning machine to take the clones...
  13. pigpen

    The best Ebb and flow table for $10

    Yup. They only have round 1s but exactly the lady that rang me up called it a turtle pool.
  14. pigpen

    The best Ebb and flow table for $10

    No comments any 1 else like this idea?
  15. pigpen

    The best Ebb and flow table for $10

    Hey guys Hope maybe this might help one of you guys out that need and ebb and flow table. I was walking out of walmart yesterday when I noticed the plastic kid pools laying outside of the garden section and had a :idea: moment. I was just about to go drop $150 on a 4x4 table. When its just...
  16. pigpen

    Gypsy's Picture Depot

    Hey Gypsy Let first start of by saying thank you for all of your information on growing that you have shared with me and every 1. This is my first time posting in your journal but I have been researching all your post ON SOG grows. I am getting ready to start my SOG 2night I am taking my clones...
  17. pigpen

    All-in-one DIY Aero Cloner/Veg/Flower Systems.....

    You are my hero as of right now I am building my first 50 site cloner. I am very interested in your flower and veg systems. Do you think you could help me build a system that could flower 50 sites at a time. 2 Tables like u have for 100 total. I am setting up a SOG grow to start in august and I...
  18. pigpen

    dp blueberry growers come here plz

    sorry but ya not many BB have the purple pheno
  19. pigpen

    dp blueberry growers come here plz

    you probbly dont have the pheno that turns purple for instance if you had 5 seeds from DP probably only 1 would turn purple you need to find that 1 that turns purple and keep that genetics and take clones from that 1
  20. pigpen

    Should i color my buds?

    STOP!!!!! Dont do it!!! food coloring makes the buds taste like shit!! and I mean a big smelly shit. Its because of the sugar that gets burned when u toast up your buds. Ask FDD or check the color of my dreams form