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  1. pigpen

    Out Door shed Grow

    Hey guys I am down here in hot sticky Florida and my only option for a good grow is to grow in a outside shed that I can put in my back yard. What type of shed do you guys think would be the best to buy. Wood,plastic,metal,vinyl. What ones would stay the coolist?
  2. pigpen

    40 purple urkle 1200w stinky funk grow

    Nice grow man how many plants do you have in there total?
  3. pigpen

    Lollipop lollipop, Oh lolli lolli lolli, Lollipop lollipop....

    Hey gypsy nice setup. How much are you averaging per plant whats your total yield every harvist
  4. pigpen

    Lollipop lollipop, Oh lolli lolli lolli, Lollipop lollipop....

    I am about to start my first SOG GROW. I have 2000 watts and a 4x6 tabble I have a dutch BB mother that I am growing out to take 70 clones. I am then going to flower 70 in a 4x6 using the lollipop method. I am also going to add co2 to see if this helps growth rates and yield. Does 70 sound...
  5. pigpen

    Florida Growers Thread

    That was really funny. I actually am the first person in my family to go to FSU. Every one else in my family is a gator. I love the gators and still root for them over FSU. I have tried very hard to be a nole fan the last 2 years but to be honest they have given me nothing but a head ache for...
  6. pigpen

    Florida Growers Thread

    Yo Bugs I am in tally I can not be that far from you
  7. pigpen

    How many plants?

    sorry I forgot to mention that I am doing a sog grow and only veging for 2 weeks 3 tops. I am going to lolypop the girls to
  8. pigpen

    How many plants?

    Hey guys I have 2000 watts and a 4x4 table. I was wondering how many plants I should put in there to get the best yield possible. I am also running co2?do you guys think 75 is 2many for a 4x4 table?
  9. pigpen

    Sure to grow a new media

    Hello I just heard about this new media that is supposed to be the next big thing. is where you can go to get all the information you want. I have never used the product but I am thinking about ditching the RW and trying this stuff out. Can any 1...
  10. pigpen

    come follow me on my ebb and grow excursion

    Man that stuff does look Like the next big thing. Is it because it is new that there has not been much buzz about it on here? Now you got me thinking about throwing out my WR and going to get some of this STG stuff. Peace
  11. pigpen

    Watts PER SQFT

    Thanks for the Info. Yes you are right Right now I have 400 watt HPS but I am starting a new grow in 2 weeks and I am buying everything for it this weekend. I have 750 to spend so I am trying to get the best setup I can for my buck. I am going to be getting everything from HTG supply and pick...
  12. pigpen

    Watts PER SQFT

    Hello I am interested to know with a good strain and proper technique How many watts per SQFT is needed to grow 1LB. For a ebb and flow style SOG. How many plants would you use if you had 3 4'x2' Tables. I have 1400 watts of HPS is that enough or do I need more?
  13. pigpen

    400w harvest!

    Great harvest Man Congrats! How many plants did you have? Where they clones or seeds? How long did you veg and flower for?
  14. pigpen

    come follow me on my ebb and grow excursion

    Hey man nice setup How do you like that sure to grow media? WTF is it never seen it got any details on it?
  15. pigpen

    can i give lowryders 24 hour light first 3 weeks?

    Yes u can they will be fine and even grow more
  16. pigpen

    Amount of Heat Saved by Leaving Ballast Outside of Room?

    not much if anything you need a good inline fan to suck the hot air out
  17. pigpen


    Thanks for the help That sure would be a lot of work to have to water every day
  18. pigpen


    Hello guys I am currently trying to decide what would be a better way of growing. The 2 ways I want to guy are either coco or aero but I can decide what way. I want to grow about 20 plants that are veged for 2 to 4 weeks. I would like to try and get a pound. What are the yield differences...
  19. pigpen

    Happy 420

    HAPPY 420 every one how do you plan on celebrating. I know I just harvested my dutch passion BB a week ago and have been saving the first hit for this day. What does this day hold for everyone?