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  1. H

    Question about grow medium (Black Gold)

    Damn, is my redneck showin? Right on target about rural....cows outnumber people greatly 'round here. Hadn't really given any thought to using the right next door soil alternatives...being a newbie, I was trying to go with something out of a bag to avoid the unknown. Obviously I failed.... :)...
  2. H

    Question about grow medium (Black Gold)

    Hey all, First time grower having some serious doubts that my 1st attempt is even worth trying to go to flower. I'm 8 weeks in since sprout and all I've got is a 10" stem with no branches. I LST'd a stick with leaves last night to try to buy some more veg time in a stealth cab. It looks so...
  3. H

    Thought I'd better ask before I fook something up

    Got some yellowing leaves down low and what I think is leaf cupping going on. None of this showed up until I added a couple more lights in the cab about a week ago. About a week before the lights, I also made a DIY CO2 (yeah I know, probably not doing shiat but meh...). She seemed to be...
  4. H

    Newb needing a experienced grower to take a look at how my 1st attempt is going

    Thanks for the advise. I really wanted to try 24/0, but with my 1st time out, I decided to go with the most common methods, get 1 under my belt, and then go all Dr. Frankenstein :) Mmmwwwaaahhahah!
  5. H

    Newb needing a experienced grower to take a look at how my 1st attempt is going

    AWESOME!!!! Thanks for the feedback folks. I'm using the "if you can leave your hand at plant height" heat thing to determine light distance....The tube instead of spiral CFL design seems to help keep the heat down around the bulb. So much so that I am looking for "tuby" small lights to use...
  6. H

    Newb needing a experienced grower to take a look at how my 1st attempt is going

    So, I'm throwing a few pics up 'cause I've got plant envy :) My shiat doesn't look anywhere near the height that other 2 weeks olds that I've seen pics of. I germed for 2 days without checking, and when I did, fook!! my tap root was like 2 inches long!! Figured what the hell, 1st try at this...
  7. H

    1st time grow - Stealthy cab w/CFL's - Need some pointers

    Gotcha - Re: "equiv" and glad to hear that mounting sideways max'd the bulb yield. I was going to make some "candlestick" like fixtures for my 2 23 watt boosters. Guess I'll have to figure out a way to get them to go sideways rather than up and down. Thanks for the info.
  8. H

    1st time grow - Stealthy cab w/CFL's - Need some pointers lost me :) Topping I understand....I was planning on just keeping the center cola under the height of everything else to avoid chopping it (trying to minimize what could go wrong 1st time out). Do you think results will suk without topping? FIMing has me off to google :) Thanks for...
  9. H

    1st time grow - Stealthy cab w/CFL's - Need some pointers

    Well, since it's my 1st grow, and I have no clue how it's going to go, I'm going with some Xcellent bag seed of unknown type. If I can pull this off and end up with something smoke-able and more than 2 bowls worth, I'll think about running the risk of mail ordering something better. :)
  10. H

    1st time grow - Stealthy cab w/CFL's - Need some pointers

    I hear ya on the where to start....and sorry. As mentioned, I've done a bunch of reading so I "know" the basics but where I am struggling is specifics. Since my cab is small, I obviously can't go with a 1.5 gallon (or I could but I think that I would have no room for flowering, but since I...
  11. H

    1st time grow - Stealthy cab w/CFL's - Need some pointers

    Hey folks, Just about to try my 1st grow. I've done a bunch of reading but without a doubt, I'm a growin' gimp. I had to be stealth and since I don't have money falling out my arse, I didn't break my wallet doing it. I hope I have something that will work. I posted a pic for some feedback. Cab...