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  1. D

    Serious Newbie growing

  2. D

    Serious Newbie growing

    anyone else have some input on the best soil to start with?? so far its FFOF for the entire cycle, but I have heard to swap soils once you start flowering then others are saying to leave it in the ffof bag -_- anyone that has used FFOF from start to finish have any input on this?
  3. D

    Serious Newbie growing

    I tried that and I put in my city and state and everywhere on that list I called either no one answered the fucking phone (must have bmeat as customer service doesnt even know how to answer a phone....bless his heart) or they dont carry it anymore.
  4. D

    Serious Newbie growing

    hydro stores lol
  5. D

    Serious Newbie growing

    So i called around to some of the smoke shops around here and none of them have FFOF is there a certain store that carries it??? online only? or is there a similar brand that I can use that will keep my newbie plants alive because I am almost sure I will kill them 1st time around trying to feed...
  6. D

    Serious Newbie growing

    the box comes up with save, go advanced and cancel and something else aswell im not sure at the moment lol, BUT when i change the text and click save nothing happens lol
  7. D

    Serious Newbie growing

    Is this good or has anyone ever tried this soil? I have been told now by 2 different people that they used this soil as a first time grow and it worked good Jungle Growth 2 cf. Flower/Vegetable Plant Mix
  8. D

    Serious Newbie growing

    Ok well good thing I have the red solo cups too hahahaha see! I learn something everyday. The only reason I was going to use clear cups was one of the videos I watched he said clear cups are easier to see if your roots are taking or not.
  9. D

    Serious Newbie growing

    how many repots? I am going to be starting in clear solo cups then moving into like a 3 gal tub then into a 8gal tub and leave it there till harvest or should I do something different?
  10. D

    Serious Newbie growing

    can you explain why though??? consider it for my benefit :weed:
  11. D

    Serious Newbie growing

    thats what I did and nothing happens lol so im sitting here looking at my screen thinking I did it wrong but I know I did so I click the save button about 3444349090 more times to see if it will work then....still no dice.
  12. D

    Serious Newbie growing

    going to go get the lights and stuff next week*** how does the edit button work? everytime i try and edit my posts it never works for me
  13. D

    Serious Newbie growing

    Is it already mixed like that or do you mix it yourself?? and if its a premix whats the name of it and where can i pick it up?? I am going to go get the and stuff next week then the week after that I am going to be getting the soil and tent then ill be getting the rest of the shit i need and...
  14. D

    Harvest Time Determines Type Of High?

  15. D

    Welcome New Members!

    I did this a little backwards BUT regardless I am very new here and to growing in general I will be starting my grow in probably 2 months time that give me plenty of time to creep through here and troll everyones posts and give everyone bad information...wait im quoting bmeat now....anyways I...
  16. D

    battery idea

    lol way to be super shady, you want to grow weed in an abandoned building that probably has 20+ nasty ass hobos walking in and out all the time.....:wall:
  17. D

    questions about harvesting

    BOOM :fire: I think you should probably just stay on kiddo... HARRRYYY UP AND BUYYYYYY( and move the fuck on )
  18. D

    Serious Newbie growing

    Anyone got any input on the best soil to use? The video I watched he mixed 3 or 4 different things into his soil but did not explain what they were or where he got them or what they did for his plant -_- :bigjoint:
  19. D

    Serious Newbie growing

    lol from what ive seen he is the main reason that people plants are dying and other people are excited about having 4 inch tall plants thinking its ready to harvest.... fail