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  1. M

    leaf problems any thoughts

    Here's some pics of my plant the bottom leafs not looking good any ideas
  2. M


  3. M

    Leafs !!

    yea this is an updated pic from today and i think i need more light cuz its growing only 3 leafs not 4 just something i heard??? right or wrong and yes HPS for veg i read it was okay not the best i am looking into the MH now
  4. M

    Pre-flower or just new growth?

    i believe thats a male plant
  5. M

    Leafs !!

    Here's an update since this post opened
  6. M

    Leafs !!

    It's a HPS LIGHT
  7. M

    Leafs !!

    No she's always been in the closet I did have a fan going and the light is right on top center ... I'm glad it's doing good thanks
  8. M

    Leafs !!

    hello i started this grow on 4/5/14 just wanted to ask why my leafs are like this lifted up on 1 side any input is useful thanks
  9. M

    My first grow tips welcome

    im using mircle grow soil and tap water i let the water sit out for 24 hours before using it and no i dont have the temp gauge or hud gauge i will buy them today tho and ph tester i have the same bulbs as u i just have 1 grow light and 1 cfls light
  10. M

    My first grow tips welcome

    also how far am i suspose to put the lamps im reading different things all the time
  11. M

    My first grow tips welcome

    to make my plants shorter do i bury the stem in the dirt to shorten it and i now have that light i posted in the first pic and added 1 twisted lamp so should i shorten them to make them stronger?
  12. M

    My first grow tips welcome

    hey i have this lamp im not using it yet i wanna know if i can use it its a haulgin lamp i spell that wrong but you know wha ti mean let me know if i can use this and how far should i put it since i know this puts off alot of heat
  13. M

    My first grow tips welcome

    yes like 18 on 6 off lol sorry can i use reg lights like the twisted ones? what should i do about the streching lower the light wouldnt that burn the plant??
  14. M

    First time Growing. Need help!!

    nice plants gl with flowering
  15. M

    Replant Those Long Stretchy Stems ( Its Easy )

    thanks for the info
  16. M

    My first grow tips welcome

    Hey guys this is my first grow i know it doesnt look to pretty but i would like some tips from some people see what im doing wrong and what i can improve on my first mistake was not really counting weeks into my grow i think i started on dec 26 2012 my light is a glow light from like walmart...
  17. M

    4 White widow from seed in soil under 600watts

    wow nice thread i just started growing