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  1. bBEstoned420

    2013 Outdoor Grow

    VERY NICE GROW, SIR! I been looking all over online to buy seeds and im from the U.S. PA / the burgh to be exact :P but if you can help me out where to get seeds from online and start my new closet grow out I would be so happy and keep you guys all up to date on everything. No im not new to...
  2. bBEstoned420

    CFL Closet farming , here we grow again!!3 new strains start to finish. PICS PICS PIC

    VERY NICE GROW, SIR! I been looking all over online to buy seeds and im from the U.S. PA / the burgh to be exact :P but if you can help me out where to get seeds from online and start my new closet grow out I would be so happy and keep you guys all up to date on everything. No im not new to...