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  1. A

    Who has GOOD clones in Orange County

    nobody.. aparently. lol
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    First grow and CFLs

    lame... switched to flowering and was like cool look at all these tops but.. i looked closer at the "buds" and they were not buds lol turns out my plant ended up being male. guess thats what i get for not going the feminized or clone route... sorry for no update... i even LST the shit out of it...
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    CFL and Flowering / bud development

    i appreciate the input but im growing in a stealthy way with very limited space so upgraded lights cant be done (wont fit) and i know this are proven to be enough lighting to finish a crop but im not sure if it affects how long..? I am sure i will yield less than your 2 ounces per plant cus im...
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    CFL and Flowering / bud development

    So i started flowered on 2/01/13:eyesmoke: so its been about 11 days and my most formed bud site looks like this(sorry lights on hard to get good photo with my phone if any tips ill take em so i can get better pics up in the future shots taken from a Droid Evo 4g smartphone) the other...
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    First grow and CFLs

    funny now that i switched to flowering the plants looking healthier BUT lighter green color so i believe its Nutrient time! :) wish me luck on my next feeding hope she takes it well.. and yeah i will use 1/4 or 1/2 strength my first time. will be in one or two days. thanks for all the help .lets...
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    First grow and CFLs

    Cool thanks for all the advice, i went ahead and gave her normal water again and now i have flipped to 12/12 this morning and my plant is no longer drooping looking very healthy... So my question now is, i have just flipped to 12/12 watered with plain water yesterday so my next feeding should i...
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    First grow and CFLs

    cool thanks for the input nice looking plant you must be using a lot of light compared to my little setup
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    First grow and CFLs

    i guess thats what i get for just going by some grow video by hightimes or whatever that said 1/2 ur grow space then switch to flower... but ill just start flowering tomorrow i guess? would that be my best option? edit: i want to do 12/12 at 7am/7pm and my lights go off at 5pm. Am i safe to Keep...
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    First grow and CFLs

    edit: you cant really see the intake fan cus its behind the pot.. the top fan is the exhaust or whatever.. where the hot air leaves the box. It's a small grow box i know, but im not looking for massive yields.Heres what she looks like in the setup... i just watered it. shit... maybe i SHOULD...
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    First grow and CFLs

    the plants already bushy as all hell with the leaves almost hitting the sides of the box as well haha but i still have the plant sitting on something to get it closer to the lights.. still a bit to go before its under 1/2 the size of my space and ill switch to flower im thinking week 5 ish will...
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    First grow and CFLs

    thing is... i can't really even get a bigger pot inside my little grow box. its very small ,,, im working with dimensions 24" x 9" x 16". im waiting until about a lil under half the size so like 10" i will switch to flower.. edit: i will update when soil drys and i can take a peek at roots..
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    First grow and CFLs

    so im gunna take it partially out and look for rooots? what am i looking for? do i take it all the way out of the pot completely?
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    First grow and CFLs

    by weight and/or soil being dry when i stick my finger down
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    First grow and CFLs

    yes but use only 1 or 1.5 liters last time i forget but yes enough for runoff... i always water untill runoff idk..
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    First grow and CFLs

    Thankyou.. i will try to use more water and see how it goes
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    First grow and CFLs

    MUST SAVE PLANT HURRY :( oh no im scared i may have a problem ... 1 day after my update my plants are beggining to droop down - they have seen vigorous growth recently does this just mean i should be using much more water than i previously was? is the drooping caused from underwatering? i was...
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    First grow and CFLs

    Yeah im pretty sure im just gunna go in with nutes next feeding, but as for LST i am not really concerned with messing with that right now or topping even. May be sound kind of lame but whatever - im just trying to get through a harvest for some experience..... Not concerned about maximizing...
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    CFL Grow NL x Haze

    im curious how bud with bagseed in it can even be considered "fire"..... i thought u only had seeds in weed that wasnt really good.. annyways nice grow man!
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    First grow and CFLs

    It's been a week since my last update, so thats a total of 3 weeks or 21 days since i first planted in soil. I am using Fox Farm Ocean Forest Soil and general hydroponics advanced nutrients flora grow and bloom only. I am going to give my first feeding with nutrients my next feeding (in 2 or 3...
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    Mix nutes with little water? confused!!

    so i have to use 1/2 of 1.3ml ? so .7 or .6 ml .... is that a joke? it sounds too small is the only reason i asked in the first place, im not a complete idiot i did the math too but number seems so small whatever, i guess ... .7ml per liter for my first feed accordin to wut u guys saying just...