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  1. Sofia Dali

    Enter The Scrog/Scroggers United Post Page

    THANKS! now I just need for Keif to invite me over to his pad and kick some wicked colours up. I would really enjoy painting his wooden frames and decorating those scrog frames of his. I think I would do it Tie Die like. then On each of the tall wooden 2 by 4s that stick up I would put down a...
  2. Sofia Dali

    F.M.I.L.Y's Grow

    im sorry for your loss.
  3. Sofia Dali

    Enter The Scrog/Scroggers United Post Page

    amazing set up Kief! im at day 55 now with the girls.. bubbas getting a flush and Jacks packin on the weight.
  4. Sofia Dali

    Just Thought I'd Throw Up Some Pics of Where I'm at Right Now

    Hi Dweezee. how are things ? can you please post a few pictures of your bubbas for me, lets say round 6 weeks flower so I can compare mine to yours . I never grew a plant like her before. Shes really strange flower as short and stubby like that. Im used to longer taller flowers. She appears to...
  5. Sofia Dali

    Enter The Scrog/Scroggers United Post Page

    wow this thread is GREAT! :clap:im really enjoying everyones scrogs and how unique and different they all are.... here is my scrog....Jack Herer (back half)and pre98 Bubba Kush( lying low in the front corner) . Jack Herer got so stretchy I placed a second scrog screen down. it worked really well...
  6. Sofia Dali

    F.M.I.L.Y's Grow

    ah sorry to hear about the dispensary. working at a dispensary seems like a lame job, pretty boring. you seem much more intellectual then that.. what about a hydroponic's store. I must say your girls look FanOMinal! I like the little additions at the bottom of the scrog. they look like little...
  7. Sofia Dali

    How do you judge if something artistic is good or bad?

    its so subjective. i think its really personal taste. there are a lot of different styles and techniques and they get appreciated by many.When i make my art i try to not let what others want to see or what they would like influence it. I just free flow and where ever it takes me is where i go...
  8. Sofia Dali

    painted snow skis

    that's hysterical! very trippy.
  9. Sofia Dali

    Goo's Cartoons

    are you having an art show sometime soon maybe? your stuff is fAAAANNNNtastic!
  10. Sofia Dali

    Sofia Dali's Surrealistic BudPorn

    Hot of the PREsses.. Alien Genetics Fruity Pebbles OG. color pencil drawing
  11. Sofia Dali

    F.M.I.L.Y's Grow

    HAHA! you look stoned in that adorable kiss costume.started young eh?, me too. and wow buddy, reallylooks like you got your work cut out for you with your lovely ladies dealing with all the elements.your fortunate to have nice helpful cool neighbors.. Good luck with the new surveillance...
  12. Sofia Dali

    F.M.I.L.Y's Grow

    WOO HOO!!!! POOL Party at MO's!! WOO HOO!! can it please be scheduled for mid OCt after my harvest . I cant leave my babies till thane. We can have a Halloweedy weed theme where everyone dresses up in there favorite costumes. and since you live so close to Hollywood you can even invite Cheech...
  13. Sofia Dali

    Just Thought I'd Throw Up Some Pics of Where I'm at Right Now

    do you know why Michael Jackson named his pet chimpanzee Bubbles?
  14. Sofia Dali

    F.M.I.L.Y's Grow

    I cant wait to smoke that Scott OG for sure. the pool looks so nice and clean. I think ill wear my pot leaf bikini, my Bob Marley sandals.and my sun hat made out of hemp. .they closed my pool down due to finding shit in it. im so repulsed now I cant bear the thought of going back. howz it...
  15. Sofia Dali

    Sofia Dali's Surrealistic BudPorn

    quick pencil sketch of my pre-98 bubba kush
  16. Sofia Dali

    A Kush Lovers Thread

    ssshhhhush, its KUSHK . good luck in cooking school . T, dude , if you went to hortie school you would totally Ace it ! ur one of the smartest and best gardeners I know . how could it be too technical for you , you know all the right techniques. The pre98 clone I grow looks so pretty at...
  17. Sofia Dali

    Just Thought I'd Throw Up Some Pics of Where I'm at Right Now

    hey pops, whats shakin old man? that wiz video reallyfucked my computer up for a moment. It froze after the first 5 seconds and then my puter started making a really ugly high pitched noise I couldn't remember like those old emergercy commercials on tv .. that said ... "this is a test...
  18. Sofia Dali

    A Kush Lovers Thread

    whats up T? I love my Bubba KUSH! shes so damn beautiful I just couldn't wait to show you!
  19. Sofia Dali

    Sofia Dali's Surrealistic BudPorn

    thank you psychedelic goo ! that last one took me about 2 months. I really only get quality time to draw on the weekends.
  20. Sofia Dali

    FlowaMasta's Methodology @ How to Grow Monster pound plants!!! ( Jack H X Skunk )

    Hi Flowa, I have the same camera as you. I believe I have read the manual quite thoroughly but I still cannot find a feature to take black and white photos. Is there a black and white setting ?:leaf: