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  1. P

    First Grow, White Widow CFL

    She has recovered and seems to be growing extremely well over the last 3 days. It has been 10 or so days since I last watered her and as the pot is drying up she seems to be growing faster! There is also a fairly strong odor when you open the closet door now. Everything seems to be headed the...
  2. P

    First Grow, White Widow CFL

    Yeah, that is exactly what I did. Lesson learned I guess, ha. Thank You for the help I appreciate it!
  3. P

    Why is she so small??? Day 23, White Widow, First Grow

    It's sounds like I have been drowning her! Thanks for all the advice, Hopefully I can get her back on track here!
  4. P

    First Grow, White Widow CFL

    She is tiny, and doesn't seem to be growing too much. I'm starting to get a little worried. Any thoughts, opinions, advice? Edit- Lately it has been really cold in my house and the room temp has dropped to a steady 74.1 would that affect anything? Day 23
  5. P

    Why is she so small??? Day 23, White Widow, First Grow

    Hey guys, So I am currently 23 days into my first grow and I feel like my plant should be much larger, anyone know why my girl is so small? And is this necessarily a bad thing? Overall she seems fairly healthy, but hasn't really grown at all in the last 4-5 days All the details on the grow...
  6. P

    First Grow, White Widow CFL

    This afternoon I decide to move her into a larger pot and took some pictures Day 20
  7. P

    First Grow, White Widow CFL

    Lots of new growth is showing up, despite the fact that she seems to be really really small still. Not sure if that is a bad thing, but seeing as she is getting bushier and thicker by the day I'm optimistic. Is it bad that she is so small still? and how do you know when she is ready for a...
  8. P

    First Grow, White Widow CFL

    Not a whole lot to report, She looks to be growing well (although really slow). I'm seeing some white residue on the leaves and I assume that is some kind of deposit left over from evaporating water and hopefully its nothing bad. The second seed shriveled up and didn't make it, oh well it looks...
  9. P

    First Grow, White Widow CFL

    Thanks for stopping by widow, ill definitely be following your grow as well Bigcat, right now the plan is to use CFLs the whole way, I don't think my room could handle anything bigger Things seems to be going well. My grow room lost power for about 8 hours yesterday so hopefully that didn't...
  10. P

    Is this bad? First Grow/Post/Everything

    Thanks again for all the input and help, I will now be posting updates from here
  11. P

    First Grow, White Widow CFL

    Hi all, Like the title says this if my first ever grow. I am growing some Feminized White Widow seeds I ordered from Nirvana. As of now I germinated 2 of my 5 seeds and I figure I will try and learn as much as possible from this first attempt, before getting into my other seeds. Any and all...
  12. P

    Is this bad? First Grow/Post/Everything

    I'm starting to feel a lot better now! Thanks for the input! Right now I have her under 1 x 105 watt cfl (its the smallest 6500k bulb I have)
  13. P

    Is this bad? First Grow/Post/Everything

    Thank You for all the help guys! BC, the crawlspace air problem did cross my mind a couple times, thanks for the cheesecloth suggestion I'll be getting some ASAP! The temp was 70 degrees when I opened the door this morning. Her round leaves are still super curled but she is definitely still...
  14. P

    Is this bad? First Grow/Post/Everything

    Thanks for Tips! I ran to walmart to grab a cheap fan but apparently they don't sell fans in the winter time, go figure. Gave her a quick mist and tomorrow morning I'll track down a fan
  15. P

    Is this bad? First Grow/Post/Everything

    These are the smallest 6500k bulbs I have, would it be better to turn one off for the time being? (Edit) - I turned off one of the bulbs so now its under just one 105 watter
  16. P

    Is this bad? First Grow/Post/Everything

    Thanks for the replies, the temp in the room is 73.3, no fertilizers. There is no fan blowing directly on them but there is an exhaust fan pushing the hot air out as well as an intake fan that blows cold air in from the crawl space below, you can feel the air circulating by holding your hand out...
  17. P

    Is this bad? First Grow/Post/Everything

    Hey RIU, Ive been lurking here for the past month or so soaking up as much info as possible from everyone. I'm finally starting my first grow and I can't help but be concerned about my first seedling. It sprouted roughly 24 hours ago and the leaves are curling down and in, is this normal?. They...