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  1. weedychris

    Bugs In Da Soil

    Ive got quite a few seedlings growing real nice, i was poking around in the soil and have noticed that in each pot there are quite a few earwigs living in each pot. I have moisture control soil from walmart if that helps. any idea on how i can get rid of them or if i should even be worried about...
  2. weedychris

    pop can reflectors

    roseman i went to the growFAQ and there isnt a thing called Reflectors, the only one i see is called reflectivity. and when i click on that there isnt anything on how to make a pop can reflector, so if you could give me the right direction on how to do it thatd be great.
  3. weedychris

    pop can reflectors

    hey can someone please post the link to the do it yourself method of making a pop can into a reflector for a cfl. that would help me out alot, peaceeee
  4. weedychris

    Plants Cold

    dude, i also have a plant growing in my attic, and its the same temp as outside, and lately its been around -5, which i can only imagine is hurting the plants. i have vents in my attic, so i stapled gunned garbage bags over the vents and put a heater on in the room so it stays around 10 degrees...
  5. weedychris

    plant food

    i did the dumb thing and used nutes after about a week or so after the seedling popped outta the dirt, and burnt the shit outta my plant, but then i flushed and it came back strong, so mos def giv'er a fortnight before you drop the nutes.
  6. weedychris

    lighting for flower?good enough?

    just go into walmart to the lighting section, get a 42 watte cfl in your hands, find an aisle without a camera, rip the package open, shove it down your pants (or up) and BAM you got a light. five finger discount steez
  7. weedychris

    A Terrible Looking Plant

    is there anything i can do at all with that plant? that plant was my first attempt at growing, but if i cant do anything with it then i guess.... ill just go cry haha
  8. weedychris

    A Terrible Looking Plant

    thanks dude, ive hung the branches in a dark spot, but im pretty sure i wont get any weed at all from the plant.
  9. weedychris

    A Terrible Looking Plant

    ill try to make the story of this plant short. it was growing real nice in a box i made, but then i had to move to a different house, i luckily got to keep the plant at my aunts house, but wasnt allowed to put the lights on it, so it only got light from a small window from the room it was in. i...
  10. weedychris

    Male or Female??????

    is it a possibility that those are pictures of hermies?
  11. weedychris


    when i transplant, i duno if its a good idea or not, but i drench the plant and let the excess water finish dripping out. then i tip it upsidedown, and since the soil is soaked the plants soil stays more compact, i then throw it into the other pot and drench that one. i found that i didnt really...
  12. weedychris

    How Come.....

    i use arm and hammer baking soda all the time to raise the Ph of my water and its definitely never lowered the Ph. id say double check to make sure that shit is da real ting, good luck homie
  13. weedychris


    get a computer fan and DIY with a 12v ac/dc adaptor,if you havent checked that out already, and thatll definitely get your plants swaying real nice
  14. weedychris

    plz lend some advice

    mos def normal dude, but double check Ph, and giv'er some nutes
  15. weedychris

    UPDATE: CFL 46 days Flower (bagseed)

    it looks like you have 5 42watt cfl's, but i could be wrong, just wondering how many cfl's you got kickin in there?
  16. weedychris

    Bong Water?!

    haha i wonder what the Ph would be for old ass bong water
  17. weedychris

    my growbox size ?

    4ft 2in is plenty of height dude, i veged and flowered in a 3 foot high box that i built and the plants were just touching the top of the box, good luck homie
  18. weedychris

    Oh sht! My plant is half burned! will it live =(

    i had a 200w cfl fall over and completely burn 50% of the entire plant, i just snipped off the burnt shit, and the plant kept on givin 'er, guaranteed your plant will keep on keeping on dude.
  19. weedychris

    A few questions and pics

    Your plants look nice dude, keep the fan on em and once you see balls then kill it. dont be worried about one droopy leaf, the plant still looks healthy as shit. all you gotta do is wait till you can tell what sex they are. peaceee
  20. weedychris

    M Or F?!?!?

    ya one is already gettin crazy tall, i plan on building another box for them in the next few days but im not sure on how tall to make it. the tallest plant is 14 inches high and theyve been flowering for 10 days now, so im thinking like four feet high? is that aboot right?