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  1. J

    Led Users Unite!

    I am now 42 days into flowering 2 DT6s 2 caseyjones 1 williamswonder and 7 bluecheeze. 2 of the BCs got stressed somewhere along the way and have small stunted buds but the rest are doing great. I think the next crop will be 6 larger plants
  2. J

    Led Users Unite!

    thx dave how far from the plants do you hang them during flower?:joint:
  3. J

    LEDs to go with

    I am using a blackdog xl. Just started flowering 12 ladies in a 5by9 tent time will tell
  4. J

    Led Users Unite!

    I am currently 29 days into my first crop with a Blackdog XL. I am using it for both veg and flowering.The veg was great, (short growth nodes) bushy. I will let you know how the budding goes.PS my power bill was less than last Dec when i wasnt growing. I know i must have used less power...