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  1. tysmith1994

    Early Harvest

    my mom is making me remove the plants out of my closet. my only problem is that ive only been flowering for like a month and i have nice sized little buds everywhere. The question at hand is can i smoke the premature buds if i still dry and cure them properly
  2. tysmith1994

    Transplanting in early flowering stages

    These are my three ladies; from left to right: oldest to youngest. The plants are all about one to two weeks into flowering and i want to transplant them into bigger containers to improve my yield. will it stress my plants?
  3. tysmith1994

    Budding Time (My first Grow)

    YEah removed it yesterday.
  4. tysmith1994

    Budding Time (My first Grow)

    It turns out the plant is a male! I'm down to only three babies ):
  5. tysmith1994

    Budding Time (My first Grow)

    Yo whats up? well i have a few budding plants to showcase. Tell me watchu think. 3/4 of my plants have started to bud but it seems as though one plant is still in veg state; the plant has not shown its sex! should i be worried?
  6. tysmith1994

    Successful First Grow!!!!

    my fault for the title.....but yeah man i got really lucky. these were all random seeds my buddy gave me
  7. tysmith1994

    Successful First Grow!!!!

    Whats going on yall.....its been a while since i've been posting but it has been for a reason. i began to run out of things to talk about. but im posting today to tell u guys that out of 8 plants i had 7 females and 1 male....i disposed of the male about a week ago... check out my pics and...
  8. tysmith1994

    i got my first male ):

    my first male ):
  9. tysmith1994

    Feeding my plant!

    i have zero dollars so is there another piece of advice u can give me?
  10. tysmith1994

    Feeding my plant!

    im using ff ocean fresh soil.
  11. tysmith1994

    Feeding my plant!

    Im using jack's 20-20-20 how often should i feed my plants? i've only fed them once before! i've mixed about a little bit less then 1/4 teasp of the fert into a half gal container and by how much should i increase the amount of fert once my plants get used to the solution? i need in depth...
  12. tysmith1994


    Okay so i have a pot with three plant in it... the plant on the right is 4 nodes high the middle plant is 8 nodes high the right plant is 5 nodes high is it to late to transplant them into different pots!!!! Im trying to recover from a rookie mistake that i made!
  13. tysmith1994

    Indica or Sativa?

    thanks bro
  14. tysmith1994

    Indica or Sativa?

    My stepdad said it's okay but what does he know haha
  15. tysmith1994

    Indica or Sativa?

    Will i mess up the pot if roots get damaged? or can i lose some roots, transplant the plant and then will everything be okay?
  16. tysmith1994

    Indica or Sativa?

    Honestly, the plants in the pot are to close together and i dont wana ruin the entire pot by trying to split each of the plants roots up. I have already accepted the fact that this was a rookie mistake and i have learned my lesson as you can see. Each plant that you are looking at is a single...
  17. tysmith1994

    Indica or Sativa?

    What do you mean?
  18. tysmith1994

    Indica or Sativa?

    Thanks Bro
  19. tysmith1994

    Indica or Sativa?

    All my plants were grown from random seeds that i came across while smoking with my friends! I'm having a hard time figuring out whether my two biggest plants are Indica or Sativa? The plant on the right is three separate plants in one pot while the one on the left is a single. Any ideas?
  20. tysmith1994

    When should i start flowering!!!

    lol my bad man! but the seeds were from regular weed nothing special! im using jacks 20-20-20 fert, and i water when needed! but good looking out! haha