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  1. D

    Places to buy bubblers UK

    I have checked a lot of the usual places and found very little variety in bubblers. I'm not really after proper expensive stuff just a reasonable bubbler round the £30-£60 price mark. Anyone got any good suggestions? Currently having a little wake and bake (its my day off!!!)
  2. D

    The UK Growers Thread!

    LOL I fucking love briz
  3. D

    Temp issues

    Thats pretty high. I had a lot of temp probs recently, fucking nightmare. What temp is it in the room? and is the passive intake letting in enough air?
  4. D

    sooooo close

    maybe try growing something legal? oh yea and well done on not getting gripped.
  5. D

    Bronies and Dragons

    fashion is hilarious
  6. D

    quick question regarding temp

    makes sense. I might have to switch back to the 250 tomo at this rate. cheers people, all the inputs welcome
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    The UK Growers Thread!

    no i mean MOST people (the younger lot) are selling 10 quid a g but i get it 3.5 for 25 because you can still get it cheaper if you know the right person
  8. D

    quick question regarding temp

    also depending on where i put my thermometer i get 15 degree variation in temp, 80-95 deg. any advise on where to put it would also be appreciated
  9. D

    The UK Growers Thread!

    The prices have def gone up. most of the kids round me do 0.8 - 1g for a tenner, its not unusual. I pay 25 for an eighth though and fell a bit skanked paying any more
  10. D

    quick question regarding temp

    Thanks. The lights off temp drop is about 20 degrees.
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    quick question regarding temp

    I'm after a few opinions, this is the situation. I have a small space which I've been growing in under a 250w hps, all good. I just got lent a 600w hps but after putting it in the space the temps are hitting 90 degrees. now... Assuming i can't do anything to lower the temperature in the room...
  12. D

    Are Humans able to control their own Hallucinations?

    If you have taken psychedelics and you are aware of what 'tripping' looks like, you can stare at something, loose focus slightly, and it is very similar to a mild trip. Either that or you can perceive what it would be like if you were tripping. I find that tripping is just accentuating something...
  13. D

    Weed addiction real or not?

    well said. and without sounding patronising at all props for being clean
  14. D

    Want to ban guns?

    thank god i live in england.
  15. D

    Ever had weed like this? Pics included.

    yea we used to get this stuff all the time, much better that the typical bush-weed. Called it thai but no idea where it actually originates from. nice smoke though. I'd love to be able to still get hold of that stuff, and thai stick! havent seen that stuff in YEARS
  16. D

    I thought I was gonna have a heart attack

    sorry to hear mate. my old dear had stents put in about 6-7 years ago, took her about a year to get back to full strength (and get her confidence back) but she's been all good since. just take it easy and avoid stress bongsmilie wish you a speedy recovery.
  17. D

    Ask a question to the poster below you...

    depends on the time of day, PB+J in the morning grilled cheese the rest of the day. Bath or shower?